2013/2014 dyna service manual

  • PaulT
    10 years ago

    I can get a 2013 download for 39 bucks but not a 2014, is there really any difference between the 13 and 14 year models?  Thanks :o)

  • pva68
    10 years ago
    The 2014 model has moved to the CANN system in fule injection and milar switches and a few other things, there is a difference and I am not smart enough to be able to tell you.

    A lot will be the same, but definitely not all.
  • roadblock
    10 years ago
    I got full service manual for 2012 FXDC from http://mybikemanual.com/ for $15. It's great to use on the iPad next to the bike. No pages to get torn or covered in grease. It might pay to have the iPad in a tough case though...
  • Crustysalmon
    10 years ago

    I've been using a digital version of the 2013 Dyna Manual for my 2014 Street Bob for the past year, because I've also been unable to find a digital 2014 one. I haven't come across anything in the manual so far that doesn't match my 2014 bike. 

    And the elctrical manual is fully up to date beacsue CANBUS came in on the 2012 models (CMIIW). All the wiring diagrams I have used are identical to my bike.

    I was lucky enough to get a free download of the '13  manual and I haven't seen the need yet to go and get the hard copy '14 manual. Will do, eventually.



  • Methuselah
    10 years ago
    Hunt around and you'll get a free copy. I got the service manual plus the elctrical manual as well, I just can't remember the link for it.
  • Aaith
    10 years ago
    the actual dead tree version is only 70$
  • Ando
    10 years ago
    PaulT I have a electronic version of the 2012 dyna manual I can email you, I use it on my 14 Bob No dramas at all

    PM me ya email if ya want
  • The Phat
    The Phat
    10 years ago

    Thanks for the link. This took 2 minutes , cost $3.99, paid with paypal and was instantly able to download a good pdf. 

  • Greeneggs
    10 years ago

    Just downloaded the PDF, its just the "owners manual" not a workshop manual...  Still its good to have on the computer.

  • bozhog
    10 years ago



  • berserker
    10 years ago
    Try motor cycle manual download.com. I just downloaded one from them this week. A 2014 dyna models service manual $24aud. Iam always a bit cautious on buying and downloading online but I can verify that this site is safe. Otherwise, harley heaven quoted me $80 for a hard copy. But they dont stock them so you'd have to wait for delivery if you go down that path.
  • Bozza
    10 years ago

    Thanks Telby, thats going to be real handy mate.

  • Telby
    10 years ago
    No problem Bozza