Online: beaglebasher

Harley EFI tuning 2001 to 2011

  • Retroman
    10 years ago

    I can help with advice / recommendation and " how to " with ECM/EFI retuning / reflashing for any fuel injected Harley 2001 to 2011 and up to 2016

    These model years up to 2014 are well out of warranty , so there will be no " warranty grief" with the dealers if I do it for you.


    Recent Yank "Grey imports" have become somewhat of a speciality of late , as they are all EFI bikes

    For the most part I use original SERT and later TTS and guide you thru' the maze you need to negociate. ( takes a wee bit of learning !)

    I can also use the Supertuner tuning dongles ( AKA the Screamin Eagle race super tuner ) if you have one already.Up to 2016 models

    I have all the combinations of cables for each model year AND CAN RECOMMEND WHERE TO PURCHASE A TUNER IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE ALREADY !

    I did another 2012 Dyna Wideglide just yesterday , fellow is delighted.

    PM for contact details

    Listed in the WA forum as obviously it's a local thing !

  • Retroman
    10 years ago

    This is still charging on folks.

    LAST WEEK I Did a stage 4  2007 Nightrain "radical build" with a custom made 2:1 "dump pipe" exhaust on it

    Worked well but the bike is FUCKING LOUD !!

  • Retroman
    10 years ago
    Just did a stage one tune for " Beetle" from Rockingham

    Yank import , stock 2007 Softail Standard with a newly fitted V&H 2:1 and K&N airfilter

    Bike runs real smooth now with no decel popping
  • Retroman
    10 years ago
    2 more of these " service and tune " gigs just done in the last week

    A 2002 EFI Deuce with a "stage 2/3" kit from new in 2002. 1550cc slugs and a 203 cam.

    "Screamin Eagle 2" true dual setup from way back then. Good mufflers actually

    Had to faff around with that one a wee bit , as not many Harleys had the Delphi EFI in WA in 2002

    Turned out the bike had a stock tune all those years FFsake..This was the second owner and he did not know if it had had an older Power Commander PC3 or similar in the past as it had come over from South Australia.

    This was an "Aussie" bike from new, not a recent used Yank import.

    NEW BIKE the owner tells me ( no wonder !) , pulls well thru' all the gears and no decel popping
  • Retroman
    9 years ago
    Bumping this again , folks need reminding you exist I suppose !
  • Retroman
    8 years ago
    Still doing this , now up to 2016 models using the HD Supertuner pro

    I have done 4 bikes in just the last week. A 2007 using original SERT , 2009, 2012 and 2015 using Supertuner pro

    The 2007 Nightrain had a 1690 Super high output kit ( AKA stage 3/4 ) in it and had NEVER been tuned for it.

    The bike is now smoother and faster with way better fuel consumption.
  • Retroman
    9 days ago
    Bumping this old thread.

    Just yesterday removed a PC3 from a 2007 Sportster, been on there who knows how long.

    Young new owner of the Sporty had neither the nous nor equipment to modify the PC3 settings so had it retuned by me with SuperTuner Pro.

    Runs better, revs higher and pulls smoother than before it got here.

    I can do any bike 2001 to 2018 here in Perth so you have to be "local" or close.
  • Hilly
    9 days ago
    Yonks back there was a chap on here asking why he couldn't tune his softail I think it was with a super tuner pro, was his first rodeo so he didn't know what he was looking at, turned out it had a PCIII tucked away somewhere, once removed all went well.
    The PCIII-USB worked decent in the right hands for what they where, Davo used to buy any that popped up on here to put on basic builds cheap for blokes down his way, he had a dyno though so he was getting the most out of them.
    Glad you are still into it, living where I am now I've probably done my last one for anyone else, be only tinkering with mine now I reckon.
  • Retroman
    9 days ago
    thanks Hilly.

    I had the young bloke reconnect his O2 sensors before coming to me, they were still in the headers just unplugged in the harness, and I took the PC3 out of it. Thankfully it was like a Softail, under the seat, not buried and hogtied with zip ties in the frame like a Dyna.

    that's a relative Kunntuvva job to remove !

    Last Dyna I removed one from was a year ago and the bike was a very clean CANADIAN grey import. (Not US funnily enough).
    Km/H speedo and all that