SE QLD 12th Oct

  • Baymarie
    16 years ago

    Good call Retsurht - cakes all sorted but yes one cannot rely on me for thinking to bring something to cut it with  a woman can't do everything you know!!!!! 

  • homerd
    16 years ago
    Just wanting to check if we're still on for tomorrow, according to the weather man, rain suppose to be gone tonight with the chance of a shower or two tomorrow, at this stage i'm still in, if all goes ahead, what sort of cake are you bringing Lynnie?
  • homerd
    16 years ago
    Hey Geoff, are you coming tomorrow, if it's on
  • ubdead66
    16 years ago
    pissweak thruster

    weathe says cloudy 0% of ran see ya all there
  • Baymarie
    16 years ago

    Can't tell ya too much, you'll just have to come along and see homerd

  • ubdead66
    16 years ago

    dont forget o dust down the bike

  • sportytrace
    16 years ago
    Guys, I'm out for tomorrow.... I have to work.... large pile of stuff to be done by Monday :(
    So much for working more at living :S
    Anything on for next weekend yet?
  • robert65
    16 years ago

    guys the weather is crap up here at noosa this morning . I think this could be a fizzer today,I am going to give it a misss as well. maybe we can make this day another time . at least bathurst  is on today.


  • Baymarie
    16 years ago

    I'll ride to Coomera and see what Phillthy reckons.  I don't have any wet weather gear so not that keen

    on getting wet.

  • Baymarie
    16 years ago

    Actually guys before I head off, is there anyone still doing the ride?????

  • Kustomtown
    16 years ago

    I'll be workin today, Homerd

    If you guys do go, have a good one. Feel free to kidnap me from work

  • ubdead66
    16 years ago
    ill go and see jilli and see who turns up.the roads r almost dry here
  • Baymarie
    16 years ago

    Just caught up with Phillthy and we've decided to give the ride a miss too.   Sounds like its a good day for being a couch potato and watching Bathurst or going SHOPPPPPING!!!  Anyone interested in trying again Sunday 26????  Hope the cake lasts till then - it won't - oooooh well I'll just have to eat it myself  

  • homerd
    16 years ago
    About the ride today, started at Morayfield BP, caught up with Delux and Jilli, Skulls,Ube and myself , decided to head to Monteville, from there it was down to Nambour and over to Eumundi for a drink break, done the tourist thing and had a quick squiz through the markets, then off to Noosa and down to Coolum for a bite to eat, after lunch through to Bli Bli and to the Ettomogah Pub for another drink and finally back to Skulls pub for a final thirst quencher. Although the weather looked shit it turned out to a dry day, had a couple of showers but not enough to wet you, sun was out as we headed back to Brissie, thanks for the day Skulls and Ube, had a great day, was also good to catch up with Jilli and Delux, got to say you look at home on a Fatboy Jilli, hopefully see you all next time.

  • ubdead66
    16 years ago
    just got hm .had a few sprinkles but nothing to worry about . had a excellent ride except for the last 15 mins . got pinged 86 in a 60 fuckers ah well shit happens .

    thx for the ride fellers twas good
  • homerd
    16 years ago
    Sorry no photos, forgot camera
  • homerd
    16 years ago
    Arseholes, how long after i left you Ubes did they nab ya.
  • ubdead66
    16 years ago
    30 sec homered they were at the start of the centenary highway .where they r every sunday arvo . i should of know ah well
  • homerd
    16 years ago
    Must have had the shits because Holden got beat at Bathurst, and decided to take it out on the first person they saw enjoying themselves, pricks
  • robert65
    16 years ago

    thats great that you's had a good day. good one that you didn't get rain either

    spent the day in the shed and serviced the bike instead as I watched the race .

    I will definately make the effort next time.
