Online: B0nes

Fuelshot or PCIII??

  • berms
    16 years ago

    What is the general consensus out there about PCIII Vs Fuelshot? Bike has V&H pipes and Big sucker.

    Can you get as good a result with the fuelshot as you can with the PCIII??  I'm not thinking of hp but more of getting a good air/fuel ratio and a properly tuned bike.

    Any experience or wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, wingnut.

  • sophtayl
    16 years ago

    Hi Berms,

    have a look here

    This is a thread looking at specifically the FuelShot. We have directly done back to back testing with the FuelShot and PC3. It is a no brainer for us. We converted to the FuelShot and put our name to it. It is much simpler to install and use and gives much better performance without needing dynotuning or a computer.


    Others can give you direct user feedback also.

    Happy to answer any specific questions you may have

    Kind regards




  • sophtayl
    16 years ago
    Hi Berms,

    the unit has been set up for the engine size and configuration based on a range of parameters that are a function of load. We have carried out on road testing with wide band 02 sniffers and adjusted the setup to suit the optimal performance mixtures.

    Where a dyno is looking at specific points and you would adjust the map on the pc3 for best fit (it will be a compromise depending upon which gear you are optomising it for), The fuelshot utilises load that the engine is sensing, ( it does this by looking at how fast the engine is revving along with how long the injectors are open for and the acceleration of the change in revs) then it adds fuel based on a load range accordingly.

    In essence, there are some settings you would utilise for a stage 1 set up ( the unit will come preinstalled with these unless you have a slightly different arrangement) or stock settings that come with the instruction booklet. These can also be altered, but have been adjusted to provide the right amount of fuel. Keeping in mind that the majority of stage 1 components will deliver similar improvements, it is mroe beneficial to add the right amount of fuel for the load seen by the engine, rather than as defined by only the throttle position and the engine revs.

    Hope that explains it but if not let me know.



  • berms
    16 years ago

    Thanks Mick.  That sounds pretty good.