After stuffing around with my bike bike for god knows how long I'm pretty sure I've worked out it has an intake manifold leak. Sprayed the back one with WD40 this arvo and the revs picked up as suspected. Its my own fault as I obviously didn't install the first set correctly.
Question is, is there some sort of gasket goo or sealant I can use that will help provide a better seal and stop it binding or pinching when I come to reinstall it. I think thats what happened last time as access is fairly limited so may have rushed it through a bit.
Any advice would be great
Thanks mate,
what do you mean by check the manifold fit to the heads though? Also in your experience, do you remove the tank or are you able to do it without removing?
Super glide mate, older one though 1997. wanted to avoid removing the tank again if I have to, the last time was a pain in the arse with draining it, etc. might try just tilting it then.