Online: B0nes

99 Springer Project

  • TJU
    10 years ago
    Squid , the ones that got away are always the hardest to forget ... just a short recap on this build ... as stated at the beginning of this post I mentioned that sadly unlike a lot here I don`t have the fabrication skills that some here have so the project has been done by a guy called Shane Cooper who has a shop called .. " Speed Demon Cycles " .. down near Nerang close to the Gold Coast .

    I mentioned this not only because I reckon he is a fantastic bike builder , but also he is into older Chevy pick ups as well ... if you ever have a spare few minutes check out his web site and have a gander at some of the bikes he has produced but also hit his links section and check out his instagram link ... some real cool Pick ups among other things .

    Will post a couple of more pics and if all goes well ... Thursday the 27th of February will be the day my New / Old Beast will be on the road ... unless some cranky old bugger knocks it back ... Fark I`m a paranoid Bastard , Lol .

    Cheers all ... Tim .
  • TJU
    10 years ago

    A Earlier pic of the exposed Springer Legs Nuts and Bolts as well as axle ... with beautiful hand made wheel spacer .

    Front Axle cover is over the counter bought ... back 2 bolt covers were Lathed up by Shane to give it that smooth clean look .

    All coated now for a great finish .

    Wires through bars .. Headlight in .. Indicators hooked up . 

    A couple of 438 Winchester shells in the ends of Old School Hand Grips .

    First pic of the new pride and joy off the work bench ... if all goes to plan will be riding her this week end ... and will post some better pics when i get off and stop grinning , Ye Ha ... don`t want to get ahead of myself just yet , has to pass rego first ... Please God , i`ve been a good boy ... sort of ... Lol .

    Hope to see some of ya`s out on the road and thanks very much for all the comments ... stay safe all ... post again soon ... Tim . 

  • Squid83
    10 years ago
    No worries Tim I'll check his site out. When i was living down there last I was recommended by a few people to go see speed demon cycles for work I wanted done.By the looks of things they pump out some nice work. Too bad I'm not down that way any more, would of been great to tee up a ride some where you could bring this beast along
  • Dan
    10 years ago
    Turned out nice!!

    Is that a cross bones fender up front
  • TJU
    10 years ago
    Yeah Dan , a 2008 fender and Front end actually ... did a clean swap for my 99 Fx front end ... I might be wrong but there is supposed to be a degree or two difference between the front ends .

    With the 19" front wheel and slightly different degree rake I was experimenting with the handling characteristics ... so far so good ... been having some fun out on her ... will post a better couple of pics soon .

    If I had to be picky , the bars even though they are the old school look I was going for and Shane has done a Fantastic job marrying every thing together , I think down the track a little I might have to change them to something a little more straighter or flatter ... the only reason being that me being a touch on the larger size of life makes it a tad uncomfortable at times especially in tight turns ... the bar ends come back and hit me in the legs and when cruising I can't sit any further back due to the Springer seat of course and of course can't drag myself any further forward because of the bars .

    Small correction from above ... that is a 458 shell he has in the bar ends not 438 , sorry about that ... load pics soon .
  • 98superglide
    10 years ago
    Great build, my favorite so far. Been watching this evolve...I bloody love it. Congratulations. Enjoy it mate,
  • Squid83
    10 years ago
    You can steer it with your knees while you update hd forums on your phone

    Must feel good to finally be fanging it around every where. Did you do much engine work? Forgive my laziness of not going back through all the posts to see
  • TJU
    10 years ago
    98 Super Glide ... thanks for the words of encouragement .

    Squid 83 ... absolutely love it , been away for a week with the Missus so haven`t put any big miles in yet but last weekend just couldn`t stop smiling ... of course this week end looks like bloody rain on and off , was hoping to get a few dry runs in first before getting her all dirty but that's life and only gives me another excuse to sit out in the garage and give her a bit of a clean up , Lol .

    I think the majority of us guys don`t build or have them built for shows , well I didn`t any way but just for fun I put it in a small local show up this way last week end and took out Best Custom Street Bike ... nice little bit of praise for the ideas and designs I had that Shane from Speed Demons was so good at putting together for me , wouldn`t have been as good as it is with out him that's for sure .

    Motor wise for now is next to stock ... as far as I am aware ... High flow air filter ... Freedom 2 into 1 Outlaw pipes and a bit of a fiddle with the Carb by Shane is about all ... have to say though it feels real nice , between 100 and 120 it seems to feel nicer than my 08 Softail ... we did go up a size in the front cog to 24 teeth because I wanted it to cruise better at the mid range and I thought I would loose a fair bit off the bottom range but still pulls nicely off the line .

    Not race bike stuff of course but still nice ... a bit of it may be the fact that I haven`t had a Evo before so have to get used to that motors characteristics ... knowing how bad I am at just leaving something alone I dare say it won`t be long before some Cams and other little goodies will find there way in side the new beast ... well when I resuscitate my wallet any how , Lol .

    Stay Safe folks ... Tim .
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    10 years ago

    Congratulations on winning the award Tim.  I know you didn't have it built to just show it, but yeah I bet you would have been very surprised and stoked though. Looking forward to now seeing pics of you out and about on it. A job well done by your bike builder.  Bet you're grinning from ear to ear every time you take it for a spin.

  • perthhog
    10 years ago
    bike looks great tim it looks a lot better than I first thought it would when you first started talking about it had visions of great looking bike being turned into
    a peace of crap , looks very retro you and the builder have done a fine job bet you end up enjoying her more than the twin cam she has sole lol
  • TJU
    10 years ago
    Perth Hog ... certainly know what you mean about could of turned into a piece of crap ... it is a fine line sometimes and of course one mans visions of what looks good don't always transcend across the spectrum of all bike riders , which of course is what bike building and just bikes in general are all about I think , it would be awful if we all liked the same thing .

    ... but it sure is fun riding at the moment , I like the differences between the 2 ... the Evo I sit upright more , a bit like a old Walla or Flat Head but with the modern advantage's like not leaking or breaking down , Lol ... my apologies to any real Old School riders out there , my admiration goes out to you guys who have the skills to keep those Old beast up and running .

    Dan ... be sure to show us what you end up with , if your previous bikes are anything to go by it will be one hell of a nice ride .
  • TJU
    10 years ago

    Just a Couple of pics of The New Toy in all it`s Glory .

    Temporary Rego ... have personalised plates ready to go on but for some strange reason Rego Dept says it has to be registered first then change over to

    my other plates ... she`s on the road , that`s all that counts to me at the moment .

    Excuse my proudness in showing off ... but as stated above somewhere , while i didn`t have my bike built to go in shows it dosn`t hurt to be reconised

    and it shows that my Ideas and Shane from Speed Demons Cycles skills were at least on a small level appreciated ... again as mentioned above somewhere i think the only change in the near future will be a rethink of the bars ... absolutly love the look but as i am a tad on the large size of life these bars seem to keep my elbows to close to my side and while don`t pose a problem just cruizing around the burbs on longer rides can tend to feel a little restricted ... will make my mind up after riding her for a couple of months .

    It`s funny getting off this one and back onto my 08 Softail thats for sure ... thanks all for the encourgement and kind words ... will post a couple of more pics down the line if and when things change ... which for me is almost a certainty , Lol .

  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    10 years ago

    Very nice Tim, looks great out in the sun.

  • TJU
    10 years ago

    Not sure if it is just me but i allways seem to show pics from the pipes side so i thought i would throw up a couple of the other side .

  • TJU
    10 years ago

    Gidday folks ... back again for a little update , as previously mentioned the bars did end up getting changed , just didn`t feel comfortable on anything longer than a 100 k`s or so .

    Ended up getting a set of 2012 Wide Glide 1.25" bars with the matching risers ... now as most of you most likely know the wide glide bars are 1.25" the whole way across and the matching risers are extremely chunky and would have actuley sat very close to the edge of the V.Twin top tripple tree as it is fairly tiny in comparison to a standard wide glide top tripple tree .

    Well of course we couldn`t have that now could we ... as with most things when it comes to customising and bike building and modifying in general things don`t always go according to a simple plan ... so when Shane at Speed Demons sat me down and explained everything we agreed to his idea of cutting ... { it took me a litle while to come to grips with this idea , Lol } ... the bars in half , taking out the right amount of 1.25" bar and welding in a section of 1" bar so i could still use the risers i allready had ... got them powder coated , ran the wires through the guts and hey presto , a totally transformed riding stance and feel and look .

    Yes it now has lost a little of it`s old school look but i reckon it now has a bit of a Hot Rod / Flat Track look , and all i can say it is incredible the transformation in comfortability when riding ... the old bars were 36" wide with a 15" pull back ... the new ones are 30" wide with a 6" pull back ... Shane at first was hesitant and thought i would be leaning forward way to much but to his surprise and in the end agreement , it suits it .

    The bars as i got them . 

    Nice and Blacked out .

    Nice and clean lines with the wires tucked away .

    Well for now that`s it but as usal with most things with me it won`t be long before something else has to be changed / modifyed ... engine mods have allredy started to filter into my brain space ... there`s plenty of room in there , Lol ... looking at upgrading the CV Carb or going directly to a Mikuni out of the States ... forcing myself to hold off ... for the observent ones amongst you all you may be wondering what happened to the Bully Bars from G.Works in Vic. i oringinly was going to use on this project ... they ended up going on my 08 Softail Custom , and again what a transformation , those beauties are a 1.5" the whole way across and feel great .

    Cheers and thanks to all for the kinds words ... Tim ... owner of a much lighter wallet , Lol .  

  • Captain Hook
    Captain Hook
    10 years ago

    Very nice

  • TJU
    10 years ago
    Thanks Captain ... just had a thunder slide kit put through the stock CV carbie and had it run over the Dyno just to see how the carb , pipes and high flow air filter affected the old girl ...

    Standard supposedly between 54 and 56 Hp ... ended up with 66 Hp and 76 ft-lbs Torque ... nothing Earth shattering but I swear between 100 and 120 it feels nicer than my 08 Softail .

    Tim .
  • Rocky2010
    10 years ago

    Those smaller stock HD Bars look much better than the big bars you had on it originally.

    Much prefer the smaller bars for riding I seem to get better feel for the bike with smaller bars.

  • TJU
    10 years ago
    Thanks Rocky ... have to agree it feels heaps better to ride with smaller bars ... already starting to think of a little engine work , not a lot , a Cam most likely a Andrews with a Crane

    Single fire ignition and appropriate coils and leads , just to free her up a little ... we will see where the wallet takes me , Lol .

    Tim .
  • TJU
    10 years ago

    Gidday all ... just a couple of pics of my 2 Pride & Joys ... the Springer was going to get a bit of a upgrade in the motor dept but have decided for now to consentrate on the TC .

    The EVO will get her just rewards down the track , that`s for sure , for now she is a blast to ride around on and the TC when finished with it`s upgrades should fill my void for a bit of the Speed related fun .

    Tim .

    2 Softails ... 1999 & 2008 ... Both have their own characters but are both Brillent to ride .
