well its all crap everthing kills ,just breathing air is bad ah fuk it all I was out blasting on my motorbike did 200klms an hour came home and im not dead only the bugs on my bike and jacket an helmet glasses copped a few bugs 2 but I didn't die now im having a beer an looking at my bike an thinking fuk gotta wash all those dead bugs off my bike .So the mantra of
stating every k over is a killer is lies I went 100ks over and im still alive ,and yes speed can kill but you are more likely 2 die of something else in realistic terms ,cancer gets a few old age comes 2 mind seems 2 me more people die from suicide than anything else in the world and that's a actuall fact nearll 6000 in Australia last yr alone car or bike deaths in oz
under 2000 now someones not telling public whats really happening look up the rest of the world suicdes it will shock you and they cant save those lives coz its impossible ,I cant go on about all the other events that kill people every yr sinking ships planes crashing earthquakes it just goes on an on but officer plod gunna save your life by booking you coz u went 2
fast what a load of shit I just go flat out fuk em and due 2 religious beliefs I abstain from v t e ng and y shouldn't I, I am a individual not a puppet controlled by there regulations and that's that SHINGLES
this safety shit is just over the top outa control sending coutries broke ,how safe is safe fuk just everybody stay home don't go past fence line or perimeter as now that sounds important .I ask myself regardless of all things that happen cant stop it or for see it ,were all so confused its becoming to overload us as people im over it ,were just people 4 sum
unknown reason want 2 go fast ,what is it that's spurning us on to do this disobey rules limits or whatever ,is it because a certain trigger in our dna is remembering traits of travelling at extreme speeds as was the way of life in our distant past or are we trying to get there to embrace something weve lost Remeber your first rolling experience on whatever it was and
your face light up and you had a smile no one could take from you ever as that was your first taste of theres more to this place than just walking ,and from then on it was your quest to try more devices that propel your body 2 a level of fulfilment and im still doing that y I cant tell you .its not about self esteem o ive got this an I got that sure I will admire things that I
see ,be it a rock or the sky just about anything then all of a sudden hey you step back its not safe an then I wake up aw fuk not another day how much is this gunna cost me ,phone rings wife says the windscreen in Mercedes is broken and hangs up fuk im getting on me bike an gunna ring its fukin neck and annoy da fuk outa anyone who doesn't like noise coz
da monster is coming and I had a good safe pretty hard cor ride and im safe due to my own ability you cant buy this ability stuff some have it an some don't some will perish by no fault
of there own ,and have travelled over to where we are all going and finally finding we were in the wrong place the whole time and its so good to be home and safe im tired now goodbye SHINGLES