Online: Humbug, conmore, John.R

Need Insurance Advice.

  • Dutchy Hoogen
    Dutchy Hoogen
    11 years ago

    Hope your bike is insured right now if it's not don't fuck around. I have found the Harley Davidson insurance through the dealer is good. It is a swan product. They have agreed valve as well. The good thing is they also insure first time Harley riders as a lot of the others don't unless you have at least 12months on a HD. From reading some of your other post I suspect this would be the case. If you get your insurance through your local dealer it also makes it easier if you make claim and have repairs done there. Just drop it off and pick it up again. Just my experience. I know some guys with Shanons and they were wrap as well when the shit hit the fan and were well looked after.

  • allde
    11 years ago
    I use RACV, It's brilliant, complete with breakdown assist.
  • SoftailSteve
    11 years ago
    with qbe have agreed value and extras added to the policy
  • the_mongrel
    11 years ago
    +1 For swann. They will insure it for $1million if you want to pay the premium! :)
  • Soapbox2627
    11 years ago
    I had no issue with swann, 2004 nightrain agreed value $25k, about $400 a year

    My accident a couple years ago when a young lady did not see me and failed to give way allowed me to T-bone her, they paid with no follow ups or questions, just one quote
  • TJU
    11 years ago
    Hawaiian Guy ... I`ve got 08 Softail Custom with QBE 27,000 ... 500 or there about per year .

    I recently bought a 99 Springer Softail and have it in a shop getting a few Fabrications done and while there I just wanted piece of mind ... unregistered and rang at least 6 companies who wouldn't touch a unregistered bike .

    Shannon`s were the only ones and they have what you call a 4 tier coverage ... for mine called laid up coverage valued at 16,500 ... 20 per month ... when on road registered at 1 or 2 days a month usage 35 per month ... 1 or 2 days a week usage 45 per month and out right coverage 50 per month .

    Of course different for every situation but considering they were the only ones to insure unregistered then was way to go .

    Hope it gives some assitance ... Tim .
  • FLHuTChU
    11 years ago

    Did youse lot know he has left the building? .....a while ago.....cause he's a stirer! others say.........and I think they are right.

  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    Look at his post count ... "0"
  • FLHuTChU
    11 years ago
    Yeah, he deleted his profile a couple of weeks ago, but because he was a compulsive questioneer, Some blokes are still giving him/her/it advice. I dunno, maybe they were genuine, but strange?
  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    Yeah mate I know :) , my post was to let HD Owner know how we know he's gone.. !
  • FLHuTChU
    11 years ago
    Yep, I know you knew and I knew that hd knew but I want to know if all the others knew what we now know?! phew clear as mud haha.
  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    :) you win
  • TJU
    11 years ago
    Thanks guys ... didn`t realise about the going back to zero count when someone deregistered their account ... the mud is getting clearer , Lol .

    For the record I was being genuine in my advice as I was a bit surprised at how hard it was to insure a un registered bike and until now thought that Shannon`s were a bit on the expensive side ... but now glad they exist .

    Anyhow no harm ... a lesson learnt ... check their post counts .

    Tim .
  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    Who gives a shit about the original poster and what fucked up hang ups he or she has, at least there was some decent answers there that might help someone genuine
  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    Yeah mate, you don't think it's a waste of people's time when they give genuine answers to someone's bogus questions? I do
  • Daggs
    11 years ago
    (Bangs head against wall........)

    I thought it was generally agreed to now that Hawaiian Guy was taking the piss out of us yeah?

    So ..... I was stating that I believe that this is wasting our time.... That's all ... Nothing more, nothing less