I was partly inspired by Burnzi's home made lift, and it was going to be similar in design, but couldn't get hold of the right sized hydraulic jack.
Burnzi's lift here : www.hdforums.com.au/Default.aspx
I had access to some lengths of thick aluminium channnel, and fitted some 3/4 "Film faced" form ply that I bolted to the channel .
I made my own version of a tilting wheel chock, and added adjustable jacks on the front. They are set up to bolt on casters if needed.
I already had the Repco lift, so I thought I would make use of it until I get around to fitting a hydraulic scissor like Burnzi's.
The rear stands just pivot down and are then bolted in place, and remove the bike lift. The stand is incredibly stable. Much more than the usual chinese lifts I've used.
Now, time to get that engine pulled out again !!
Lookin good Speedzter, good use of the Repco lift as well. Try this for another idea. Simple and cheap.
That's a good idea using the lift the it can be moved out of the way.
Great improvisation mate, I've got the exact same repco bike lift myself. Best investment for the bike I have, makes life a hell of a lot easier working on the bike. Very handy being able to lean it up against a wall when not in use too, I just remove the handle when finished. One day I might use your idea to make a bike bench like yours. Thanks for the pics.