Here is my big introduction. I am 34 live in Melbourne Eastern Suburbs, this is my first Harley a 04' Sportster.
I've ridden Jap bikes before this last one being a ZX636. (Don't hold it against me) Had my fun though, took some time off riding as the dragon kept complaining she was worried about me
We had our first little one 10 months. Ever since then I started searching for a new project......
One of my mates turned up tp a BBQ on a SUZUKI Bulavard the dragon turned around and said why don't you get a cruiser???
I was the WTF are you for real? The research stepped up a notch! I started looking at cruisers rode a couple and then I though why buy something that's trying to look like HD why not just buy one.
I ended up with this 04' Sportster it's done 16,000 kms owned by an older bloke. Came with Screaming eagle pipes and breather. This style of bike it totally new to me so I am learning how to actually ride the thing. I went and got some fuel for it on Sunday morning as I got it home last week on reserve, well the weather was great I took a wrong turn or two and ended up on Mt Dandenong.
In short I am enjoying the torque and the feel of the bike. I am surprised how stiff the suspension is for a cruiser.
I gave it a B'day with new oil and filter, also got a new K&N filter element and some plugs. Running heaps better already.
Plans for the future (very soon) different bars (drag kind I am thinking) single seat, and we’ll see from there. Either chrome or black will be questions needs new tyres soon so I'll have to do something about those wheels.
I bought something cheaper to start with so that I could make it mine.
Anyway thanks for reading and any future advice.
Welcome Lukas .
Welcome and I like the last picture, looks like you had a great ride.
Welcome aboard Lukas enjoy thr ride.