hey tussock could you let us know where you get them from? Do they post out?
I got odd size rear wheel so seem to hit up for it
Thanks Wimbo I recon I'm sold on the Pirelli now. Cheers mate.
Will do Terroristone. Thanks everyone for your input. Feel safe going for the Night Dragons now as everyone seems to like them. Helps when it comes from guys riding all weather conditions. I don't mind if tire lets go if your pushing it. But aquaplaning when taking it easy and doing everything right sux.
i at just over 4000kms chriso, yeah theo goes through them alright, can see why with how he enjoys his time on the wide glide
got one in the shed and measured tread depth, i reckon just over half way down, might get somewhere between 6000-7000kms
i been riding it a little bit harder since i was reprimanded at Yakandandah for using 6th gear, i honestly thought i wasnt get outta there alive!!
GF got parcel today, thanks alot, got picnic day on monday so hope to change it over
yep its all in ya wrist wether 2 hook or not 2 hook up an im an asshole wen being norm al fuk near lost her ta day o well it was that bloody wrist again ,was goin around corner somewere cant even bloody remember ,was leamin quite a bit then jus opened throttle was ready an all but musta been 2 much on edge an she decided 2 try an giv me da flick ,but clutch hand saves me from embarrasement again and your control of these moments is all down 2 ya body muscle memory basicly youve saved it before u even thought about it its just reaction that comes automaticly like playin guitar ya hand gets 2 know were it goes by itself ,and so same applies wen ya ridin if you had 2 think about it,o must do this now u would already be 2 late in a lot of situations like ya leg comin down savin ya ass as bike slides on oil or other situations ,an ya go fuk that was close but the incident had already happened b 4 u had time 2 even now it had and your still goin along your merry way ,now tyres can help keep ya up in that moment and ive proven this myself time an time again, and usin pirelli dragon tyres on my fatbob transformed a good handlin bike 2 a very good handlin bike especially 4 the style of bike ,o i dont think my tyres will last more than 4000ks purely my fault but then yrs ago wen puntin big sports bikes could chew a set up in fortnight coz we were using softs ,if u rode sensibly on dragons easy 10,000 SHINGLES
Pirelli Night Dragon went on the bike today. Guess it was not going to go hard in the shed cos it sat there less than a day. Accidently did a burnout with my new Dunlop 407 couple of weeks ago. that tire did about 3,000km. No loss it was shit. Made good smoke though. Took me longer to clean all the rubber under guard out that it did to total tire. Was fun and made some of us happy.
Yep. Mate put tire on the rim. I took wheel on and off bike.