2014 Indian Chief pics

  • Spider52
    11 years ago

     Tough cunt image in plastic coats don't scare anyone.  The topic is about the new Indian Motorcycle, a rebirth of a icon in American motorcycles. Sit back and enjoy the the rebirth, don't let it slip away as we may never be able to look back.  Enjoy the ride and fuck those that think they know better, and that includes me.

  • paulybronco
    11 years ago


  • noah
    11 years ago

     He means you..

  • The Black Pearl
    The Black Pearl
    11 years ago

    Where is the shitkicker chief indian? I was enjoying the debate .

  • HD Knight
    HD Knight
    11 years ago
    The correct name is Native American??

    I'll be fair and save my comments after a test ride and then I'll see if it's been worth all the fuss - and yes, Harley riders will either love it or hate it.

    Would I be willing to trade in my 2013 Dyna Super Glide Custom for this old/new kid on the block? The test ride will answer my question.

    11 years ago
    They look great and build quality seems to be in line with expectations.

    Too bad if you want one ! Got to wait till March 2014 ! believe me I tried !.
  • perthhog
    11 years ago
    so too the boys who have seen them in the flesh would you say they are as good or better built than a Harley at this stage from what you can see ?
    11 years ago
    Personally I think they are the same but have a few better ideas. The sideboxes for example are metal and not steel.
  • Soapbox2627
    11 years ago
    Is this the new Victory thread?
    Is the Indian better than Harley?
    Are they made better than Harley?

    Sorry in advance


    Would you sell your Harley to own one?
  • olivia88
    11 years ago
    Has anyone ever heard the phrase, "Indian had an uncanny knack of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory'. It was written around the time Indian put Vincent engines into chief rollers, was fastest American bike in the world, but didn't sell, neither did the Brave. So speaking of unsuccessful, Indian have (quietly) revised (code for reduced) their engine torque from 119.2 ft lb (161.2nm) @ 3,000rpm down to 102.4 ft lb (138.9nm) @ 2,600 rpm. Their base Chief is already heavier than Softails or Dyna's, the last thing their Thunderstroke (now Thunderjoke) 111 cu in engine needed was a kick in the guts by reducing the performance by 14%.....so who's unsuccessful now? That bike will have all the performance of a stationary engine in standard trim. hope for fucks sake for those who bought one that performance mufflers, air cleaner & chip make a whole lot of difference...but probably not. Yep, history repeating itself
  • keith
    11 years ago
    They had a real good stand at Sturgis this year, test rides, trying hard to crack into the market as Victory's are.
  • scotti
    11 years ago

    If this is 'the case , What a kick in the guts for anyone even considering an emotional purchase after all the hype on initial testing and seemingly deceptive promotion of a 'resurrected brand ?
    Reputation and honesty in dealing with potential customers or consumer markets is everything this day and age ?
    No 'honest mistakes , personally that would be enough to steer me away from a brand !
    Talk about taking the gloss off hey ?

  • Neo Dutch
    Neo Dutch
    11 years ago
    Not with their super strict warranty conditions,
  • scotti
    11 years ago
    Yeah Pauly with the difference only being $25,000 instead of $2.50 , what I was getting at is that 'the way I read it people pre ordered something that now turns out to be governed , sorta like ordering a Big Mac and been given a Son Of Mac or a Mc Fur burger , unless they were told from the out set it is pretty ordinary , but then good chance I could be wrong and those purchasing here may have been made fully aware of what they were actually getting up front , maybe that chief Indian fella or someone that has ordered one can let us know ?
    Still a bit disappointing after the launch hype numbers !
  • scotti
    11 years ago
    Always welcome in sunny Sydney mate , though gotta say i just returned from me annual Father's Day weekend ride to pay my respects at the cemetery 40 Km's west of Toowoomba where the old man rests , actually had a Big Mac while in Qld and guess what , exact same shit as in Sydney , would you believe that ?
  • Rains
    11 years ago
    "According to the dealer, fitting non-Indian accessories will void warranty."

    Yes, every manufacturer says that as a matter of practice. They even try their best to prevent you from going to anyone other than the dealers for service during the warranty period (even though it has no legal standing).
  • scotti
    11 years ago

    Just had a peak through the window at the Indians , shop was shut but as I was going past thought I'd stop for a feed and take a quick look , a fella on a street glide and another on a Roadking were there checking them out as well , they do look flash , would still like to test ride em one day hey !

  • paulybronco
    11 years ago

    I notice with some interest that the new Indian is for sale on Bikesales. com.au  What happened to them all being pre sold? And yes it is the dealer selling them, not a private seller

  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    I think the bike is a Victory, just a different tank and motor, the changed the light and front guard. the rest looks to be identical to me. I just don't like them closed in guards. take that headlight and put it on the Victory instead of the horrible looking thing they have and it might look alright. but I am still keeping my heritage.
  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    I have to say personally I prefer the look of the one with the leather bags, but to me the bike is made by Victory the pattern under the seat and rearward looks just like a Victory, to me. sitting the 2 brands side by side only makes it worse for me, as pointed out the exhaust looks similar, but the exhaust does have a strange question mark for me, it looks like a 2 into 1 exhaust on one side, then on the other side just a muffler, no pipe going to it, just a muffler. Looks odd to me that is all I am saying. I don't mind the looks of the Victory in many way, that headlight puts me off big time. I like the look of the Indian as well, with the leather bags for me other than that I think they are a bit plain, I like to go onto youtube to get information about bikes as well, and that so called "gadget guru" wanker Victory has for the want of a better word, "promoting Victory" has put me off of even looking anymore at Victory. Then to top it off they had him promote the opening of an Indian dealer only to have it revert back to being Victory in less than a minute, that guy would put me off of anything. one of the other things I liked about the Indian is all the chrome that is standard on them as opposed to Harley having it all as an accessory.