Hi all, you may be aware of the annual Picnic at Hanging Rock. We usually have 150+ bikes meet at Calder BP and head up to the car/bike show.
I am a member of the organising club, and received the below info tonight.
It might be worth a read as any redevelopment of Hanging Rock may impact on the event - it takes away parking areas and may result in the event being moved to another location - this would be a shame as its been held at the same location for many years and attracts 6000+ vehicles each year.
Thanks for your time
At the clubs last general meeting we received advice that the Macedon Ranges Shire Council are in the throes of implementing a redevelopment of the Hanging Rock grounds. These redevelopment proposals may have a significant impact on our Club being able to stage our Annual Picnic event and it is imperative that all members be aware of what is proposed. The Shire has also sought to gain feedback from the public about the development plans and a survey has been posted on the Shire website for views to be obtained. A copy is available on the Shire website and we have downloaded a copy for our web site. It appears the development is all centred around the concert areas and does not provide any works for toilets, shelters or BBQs in the main reserve. It also appears to take away some of the general parking areas we use for the Annual Picnic at Hanging Rock The Shire has also set up a limited online survey regarding the concerts - the link below will allow you to respond once only. The survey is open until 28th June - refer https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HangingRockConcertsSurvey We understand the Shire is having ongoing negotiations with Frontier Touring (Michael Gudinski) re further concerts. The club is seeking further information from the Shire regarding all the above matters. Would all members please consider responding to the survey and for those members who reside in the Macedon Shire, it may be worthwhile talking to your local Councillor about the potential impact that any change would have to our event. Please pass on this information to other members of the public who may also have an interest in the redevelopment proposal but may not be aware of the current proposal or survey form. If the Shire does move ahead with the proposed works in the East paddock the club may have to reconsider the capability of running the Picnic Show, something that has become a Victorian motoring iconic event. Regards John Macrae President.
It never ceases to amaze me how some jumped up wannabe idiots think that once they are elected to be in charge of fucking everything up..... they then go and do it.
PK, I didnt know you had anything to do with this...........well done what a fantastic event. I was blown away at the scale of this show!
Was on 10th Feb 2013, not sure of next years date. Try PK.