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Tuning In Perth

  • markmckenz
    11 years ago

    I've recently fitted a set of V&H along with a Screamin Eagle Heavy Breather - Am I correct in thinking I need to have my fuel mix adjusted? OR anything else required?

    Can anyone advise me who can do this and how much it should cost?

  • rider
    11 years ago


    Lotsa way you can go from here Mark, but yeah, ya bike prolly does need to be re-tuned if ya want the best potential out of it.

    Be prepared to buy a tuner interface of one brand or another, need one to edit the ECM.


    Sounds like ya not shy of doing a bit yourself. That being the case, give Retroman a PM and arrange a yak about it.


    He's had some prety posative responces to his work by guys in the West that have wanted to learn more about their bikes.


    Other than that, you're at the mercy of the dealers, and or, you can choose one of the Indies to work on your bike.


    North of the river try Thundertech (a lot of the south of river guys use them too )


    South of the river, ???? try South West Harley.   someone else from down that way might chime in with a better suggestion.


    Good luck Bloke, when all else fails, read the instructions !

  • markmckenz
    11 years ago
    Thanks mate,

    I have spoken to Retro but as mine is a 2012 he cannot do it. Will it harm the bike to be riden the way it is just now or will I just use more fuel??
  • rider
    11 years ago


    If it was stock before you fitted the AC and pipes, I'd guess that it would be running too lean and maybe a little advanced in the timing dept.


    Hard to tell by the pics what  zorzt was on him before, and if it already has a tuner ???


    How's it running,,, Hot?   does it ping ? (pre detonation)


    Generally the V&H pipes have very little back pressure, so that in itself is reason enough to re-tune.


    If ya take it easy shouldn't do much short term harm, but if ya want to give it a handfull every now and then it could be detemental to the logtivity of the donk.


    edit; as far as dealer yak goes, a set of pipes and AC I think is called a stage one, and a tuner is also required to install a canned map to suit the upgrade.


    and, the tuner will allow to reset the decel fuel to get rid of any decel popping.

  • Cartoon Head
    Cartoon Head
    11 years ago
    Mark, you need to get the AFR tuned ASAP mate, a friend of mine said that his 2012 Fatboy came with a tuner built in??? if your bike is the same (I must admit I have not heard of any others being supplied stock with a built in tuner so it might be BS or just a misunderstanding) then it's just a simple matter of getting one of the HD dealers to put a new map on it, no need for a dyno tune unless you really want to spend the $.

    If you don't have a tuner then I would remove the air filter and put the stock back on for now as you can do one (i.e exhaust or air filter) and the ECM will correct the mix but both will, as riders has said make your bike run way too lean which is not good.

    If you have to get a tuner work on $800 from a HD dealer for SERT or you could go to Thundertech and have a Power Commando fitted. If it's still the same as I had done a few years back on another bike Thundertech will also do a dyno tune to really dial it in. Another idea is to go TTS (if they do one for a 2012, not sure) and you can then do all the tuning yourself via v-tune, if you go this way then Greg will be able to help you with any questions. (sorry Greg lol)

    Good luck.
  • Stressfest
    11 years ago
    Mate, I rode around for about a week with my VH slash slipons on my 13 street bob until the popping drove me insane. I took her to Frasers and got an AC, billet cover, race tuner and rain sock all installed and tuned for less than $900. Happy as a pig in shit with the bike now, rides sweet.. may get it Dyno'd at the first service but running sweet as.
  • markmckenz
    11 years ago
    I'm not really needing it to go any faster etc, so I dont really feel the need for a race tuner. I just want to get the mixture correct so I dont fukk things up in the bike.

    Its going into get the battery checked over on Friday as it keeps non starting so i'll see what HD say about tuning it then.
  • Rnie
    11 years ago
    So any other dyno tuners South of the river? Kwinana way?
  • Cartoon Head
    Cartoon Head
    11 years ago
    Mark, The "tuner" your bike requires will not make it go faster, S.E race tuner is just the HD product name but will make it run correctly. Without a tuner your bike will run too lean and it will probably damage your engine. Years back when we had carbs (remember those lol) one of the mechanic's who used to help me when I was racing motorcross said running lean is like using a drill on your piston, advise that I have always heeded.

    For me the TTS is perfect as I have and will continue to make modifications to my bike, with a TTS these changes can be tuned in without the need to pay HD more money or the need to have the bike dyno tuned each time.

    Stressfest, if the bikes running sweet then save your money. A good dyno tuner may be able to get a bit more out of a tune but understand I said good and I haven't seen any that are good when done I wont lol

    Rnie, there is a guy called Trevor near Byford that has a dyno (no idea of his number though) but I would recommend taking the time and riding over to Thundertech if you want the "in the west" imo.
  • Rnie
    11 years ago
    Thanks, looks like a trip to the hills then, always good for a countery at the mumdaring weir hotel on the way back.
  • Stressfest
    11 years ago
    I'd just be concerned about warranty with non Harley gear. I was looking at the Dyna Vision but was quote $474 for the Harley Tuner and i'd rather keep it all original if poss. I don't think the race tuners designed to hit warp speed 10, just to make it run better, better fuel to air. There are tonnes of options, but as I said... not willing to chance shit happening on a new bike. Planning on holding onto this one for a while...
  • slapster
    11 years ago
    SE tuner add about $110 for cables & software.

    The sweet sound of my bike on the dyno atm. Beaut morning in Mundaring..

  • Stressfest
    11 years ago

    I hear ya mate but seriously, by the time I worked out how much a tuner and filter kit landed would cost, I got a better deal locally and honestly for 'my own' peace of mind.. I went with a dealership I've been using on/off for 6 years. It's not only the bike warranty.. it's the tuner and the whole deal. If anything goes south, I'm covered and don't need to dick around trying to claim overseas warranties or dealing with someone east coast. I go in, It gets fixed on the spot... Simple.




  • Cartoon Head
    Cartoon Head
    11 years ago
    All good Stressfest, it's your money and how you spend it is your choice I was just pointing out that there are options.
  • Stressfest
    11 years ago
    No worries Cartoon, I know exactly what you mean though. At the end of the day, there's far too many options out there to just keep it 100% genuine... Where's the fun in that!! :)
  • Stressfest
    11 years ago
    I asked the question and yes.
  • Coxy
    11 years ago
    Pete @ Pete's Harley in Welshpool - top bloke, great mechanic, good old fashion service without the attitude.... Or the extra kms to go up in the hills...

    And he's just finishing off a dyno room in his workshop....
  • keith
    11 years ago
    Competition and options are good considering what the dealers offer. Heard off Pete on the grapevine. Good news for the' Greys' and others looking for a someone who outside of the circle, thanks Coxy for putting it out there.
  • Marvin
    11 years ago

     Christoff, that guy was spot on.  I'm not a lawyer, but negotiate contracts for a living (with lawyers on my team). What Harley say about the warranty being voided just because aftermarket parts are added is crap - you do need to be careful though if the part you add can be proven to have caused a problem.  I don't even bother arguing with them, I figure I'll have the argument if/when I ever need to.