Online: Hilly
  • sic-puppy
    11 years ago

    yes i searched ok

    so i have a 2011 96 ci deluxe, im 110 kg and when i get away i have a bag full off clothes, the two bags are full  etc.

    i dont want a race bike  ,but something that will pull, give some kind of good fuel returns and start from about 1900 rpm roughly and go to about 4500 rpm.

    what do you guys recommend, there is so much to choose from and all i want to do is ride



  • killerchef
    11 years ago
    subscribed to this thread.

    will be doing the same very shortly myself on my 88 tc. keen on the s&s 510's so far.
  • killerchef
    11 years ago

    was really wanting to go to gears hilly.  what about then mate ?


    sp sorry mate    

  • sic-puppy
    11 years ago
    i for got to say that the scoot has Freedom Performance true duels ,fuel moto air cleaner and the PV
    I was thinking gear drives as well,
    am i better of buying here or the USA
    And what else will i need
    thanks Hilly for the info and KC dont worry bout the hijack.... the more info the better i say
  • Ando
    11 years ago
    Don,t spend money on gear drives until ya know ya crank run out
  • killerchef
    11 years ago

    cheers boys. some reading I've done suggests that given the forged crank then runout should be within tolerance. do guys agree with this or say that it still needs to be checked ?

  • Ando
    11 years ago
    I would check first

    or just get chain drives with the upgraded Hydralic tensioners
  • Mr_Bean
    11 years ago
    I run Feuling Reaper 543 Cams in my FXDF, they run from 1900 RPM to 6000 rpm. Easy install with their adjustable push rods.
    They pull like a sixteen year old with a box of porn..
    Get plenty of torque with a full load. Pass at 100km in sixth with ease...
    I'm about the same build as yourself [trim, taught & terrific] , ride with saddle bags, swag, a sissybar bag & a detachable sreen..
    Use about a liter more fuel per tank than my mates Night Train on a run....

  • sic-puppy
    11 years ago
    MR Bean, i have looked at them.

    if you dont mind me asking, from where did you buy the from? and a cost [pm me that if you want ]

  • F- BOB
    F- BOB
    11 years ago

    08 fatbob - se255 - D&D - fatcat - tts - pulls hard from 0 to 150 - 160 k/m.