G'day scrubber & welcome.
So going by the name, can I tick the ladies box on the application ?????????
wot model sporster do ya have ?????????
welcome scrubber.... you guys in Vic might just have enough peeps to get a ride going, especially with noit's defection to the land of the 4 seasons/1 day
Hi from North Queensland. That is a great nickname....are you going to tell us how you got it...so many pic's are running through my head at the moment. What type of dancing do you teach....does it have anything to do with a pole. Hope that you enjoy the crap that flows around on here and have a laugh.
Scrubber.....Welcome & enjoy
Gooday Scrubber
G'Day Scrubber, and welcome to the nuthouse. Enjoy your Sporty and the ranting that goes on around here. Don't forget to sign on for the VIC / SA State Challenge on the first weekend in November at Edenhope Vic. Hope to see you there.
Regards Bob
G'day Scrubber
looks like scrubber has done a runner, 0 posts ?
Scrubber has left the building....
Woz did you scare her off