G'day Queensland folk,
I can't find any reference for this years Mareeba show at the workers club.
Is it still the last saturday in August or have the dates changed?
Has it been cancelled?
No one seems to know anything about it this year!
I've booked Holidays, old mate has arranged a bike for me to use, I'm ready to traipse around the tablelands.
Be a shame to get over there all the way from WA and find its not on...
Any info appreciated.
Cheers, stumbly
That's last yrs flier Stumbly, mobile no at the bottom. Cairns Custom M/cycles (I think don't have number) But google any bike shop in cairns and someone up there will know.Good luck.
Cheers Philthy, I'll give them a call.
Even old mate in Cardwell doesn't know if its on or not this year.
Another Number,this guy goes up there too. Big Boar M/cycles (07) 4944 1345 and ask for Bugs