Online: Rextheute2022

Snowy Run

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    11 years ago

    I am planning a run to the Snowy Mountains from Adelaide . Gunna start at Tumut , and do Snowy Mountain Highway and Alpine Way . Probably stay at Jindabyne and Khankoban . Do as many roads as we can up to Cabramurra etc . Looking at just before Christmas .

    Any suggestions for accom ? And roads we must do will be greatly appreciated .

  • markwoumla
    11 years ago

    Hi Tim,

    You replied to my Broken Hill / Silverton trip I took a couple of months ago, a trip you and your mates did recently.  I live near Bega NSW, I see you guys come from SA.    If your comming from SA to ride the Snowy areas, why not venture down the coast, (from Cooma) to Bainsdale and also ride the Great Alpine Rd up to Wangaratta and then find your way back to SA.   There is a great bike friendly pub at Orbost, (the publican rides a Fatboy) to stay that leg of the trip. Anyway food for thought !!   I've added a quick google map of the Tumut to Wangaratta leg.  Shit I might even tag along , if invited !!!!     

    HD Forums Australia - Tumut_to_Wangaratta_trip.JPG

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    11 years ago

    Thanks mate , P.M. sent .

  • robots
    11 years ago


    that be top ride Tim Superglide, I ridden my bicycle around Jindabyne, Cooma and Mt Beauty, Tawonga, Falls etc, just beautiful

    havent been there on the wide glide but get ther one day



  • Blackbob
    11 years ago

    G'day Mate

    i recently rode from Tumut through Talbingo(watch out for the brumbys fair dinkum) Berridale to Khankoben we stayed at the pub there they have motel type rooms ya can park the bikes close to the door but no lock up the ride into Khancoben from that direction the road is pretty windy but unreal country so i did'nt mind the slow pace some really cool camp sites if ya swaggin along side stony bed creeks around there

    the next day i headed to Tumburumba some of the nicest countryside NSW has to offer imo an great roads an a cool little pub at Tooma

    Hope ya enjoy the ride Mate be a good time of year down there but pack some warm stuff it can get cold out there anytime

  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    I haven't taken the Omeo route, I have gone towards Dandenong and turned off and took the Black Spur towards Mansfield and Benalla, and if you liked coming down the Brown Mountain you will love going up the Black Spur. I went to Bega High school when I was a kid, and moved to Bombala for a while, I love the mountain roads.
  • chriso
    11 years ago

    Good on ya, Mark has covered the best roads all but one streach mate. If you can fit Cann river to Bombala or vise versa in there somewhere it is a must on a bike. maybe turn off at the Bombala turn off and cut down through that way.

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    11 years ago

    Thanks for the help guys . 

  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    been that long since i have been along that road, has NSW sealed their part yet, I can always remember hitting the border with a thump (literally) last time I was down there, you got to Rockton, and it was dirt from there to the Victorian border.
  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    There are a few good tracks through that area, go to Bombala and turn left just over the bridge and head to Cathcart, keep going down Mount Darah, was a bit of dirt at the top end maybe sealed all the way now, go through Wyndham, and just outside Wyndham turn left again and head for Candelo and into Bega from there. Oh the list of places to ride is almost endless, just depends on how much you want to stay on the black stuff as well. Dirt roads would not be my thing these days but when I was much younger, I couldn't get enough of them.
  • boxa
    11 years ago
    We done that trip in feb , except we missed the alpine road , but we done lakes,,----Tathra ---Bombala ---- Jyndabyne ---Tumbarumba--- Batlow---Tumut---- over to the coast to Husskison beach ,, then home through Narooma ---Eden ,, back to lakes and back to Adelaide

    Some great roads , breathtaking scenery and just good fun ,, But febuary it was pissing down, and if you catch the rain like we did be very VERY careful around Batlow ---Tumut ,,, one of the guys had a off In Batlow lucky the only damage was to the bike, and a couple of small scrapes , but very scary when you come round the bend, and your mate and his missis are in the middle of the road with there bike in a ditch upside down . Local copper said it was the third bike accident in two days with one of them being very serious ,We were all slipping and sliding so decided to staay in Batlow the night , Motel owner informed us over night the local tow truck driver was so busy he had to get help in from a couple of tow truck guys in different towns ,Problem was simple , lots of rain and lots of DEISEL all over the roads from the logging trucks , I tell you the trip from Batlow to Tunut the next day in th rain was like riding on ice .

    So go and enjoy its a great trip but if its raining be very careful , where the logging trucks are .
  • fizzicist
    11 years ago

    Just this past weekend (May 4th) I did a loop over part of the snowys. I live nearby (Junee) so it's a weekend ride for me. Went camping saturday night at Paddys river dam in Bago State Forest which was gravel road access with a small creek crossing (Yes on a Harley) but was well worth it.

    Instead of taking the Snowy mtns Hwy from Tumut to Adaminaby I highly recommend you take the road from Tumut - Batlow - Tumbarumba - Cabramurra - Adaminaby. There's a map in this post showing the loop.

    It is well worth it for the breathtaking views and the road is in great condition. The road from Batlow to Tumbarumba is long and sweepy through fruit orchards. Lots of twisties either side of Cabramurra. Just have to be careful of a few plods of dirt that fall off the sidewall around some corners. The road is in great condition, i encountered no potholes or loose bitumen.

    The road is called Elliot Way from Tumbarumba and then turns to Goat Ridge Road on the downhill twistie run before you reach the Tumut 2 underground power station. From there it is a uphill twistie run to Cabramurra then out onto the Snowy Mountains Highway. It's a brilliant run, one of the best you'll find in NSW.



  • BillS
    11 years ago

    We recently did the run from Canberra, along the south coast then up Brown Mountain, Snowy Mountains Hwy, Monaro Hwy, Snowy River Way, overnight in Jindabyne. The next day we followed the Alpine Way to Khancoban, before heading off along Tooma Road then Elliott Way and onto Adaminaby, Cooma and home.

    As someone said in an earlier post lookout for the wildlife, especially roos, wombats and brumbies. Also there are lots of grey nomads towing caravans on the narrow, twisty roads [lots of blind corners], so be careful. Make sure you take time to enjoy the scenery, it's spectacular.


  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    11 years ago

    This is the plan . Thanks to all who contributed . Leaving Adelaide Sat 14th Dec . Hotel staying along the way , getting too old for swags !!

    Adelaide to Wodonga                       900km                     - 2 days    spend night on way and at Wodonga
    Wodonga to Tumut                           300km                     - 1 day      spend night at Tumut
    Tumut to Jindabyne                          215km     2.5 hrs
    Jindabyne to Charlotte pass and back             1.5 hrs      - 1 day       spend night at Jindabyne
    Jindabyne to Kahncoban                  110km       1.5hrs
    Kahncoban to Cabramurra                65km           1hr
    Cabramurra to Jindabyne                145km           2hrs      - 1 day       spend 2nd night at Jindabyne
    Jindabyne to Orbost                        270km           3hrs     – 1 day       spend night at Orbost ( recommended )
    Orbost to Wangaratta                     350km        4.5hrs     – 1 day       spend night at Wangaratta
    Wangaratta to Swan Hill                 325km           4hrs     – 1 day       spend night at Swan Hill
    Swan Hill to Adelaide                      515km        5.5hrs       -1 day       spend night back home !
    The Orbost back to Adelaide route may change as we have a great Victorian guide coming with us .
    Cheers , Tim.
  • CliveRand
    11 years ago
    Hey Tim, that is one hell of a ride, and you are going through some of the best this country has to offer I think. Pitty I aint down there, I would have loved to be there with you, I went to Bega high school and moved to Cooma for a while. regularly rode between Eden and along the coast to Morwell, then up the Black Spur to Mansfield.hehe from there to either Sheparton or Wangaratta, depending on mood for that day. I still miss being down that way from time to time.
  • markwoumla
    11 years ago

    Hi Tim,    The Pub I mentioned to stay in Orbost is the ,  "Orbost Club Hotel"  , 03 / 51541003  .  Ask for Mick.   Keep us informed as we get closer to December .  Cheers Mark   

  • 92Fatboy
    11 years ago
    turn off at Orbost and head for Bombala via the bonang Hwy , little bit of dirt but other than an awesome road.
  • 06 Softail
    06 Softail
    11 years ago

     Sounds like it would be an awesome road trip. I wish I could go too, but I'm highly doubtful of actually being able to make it this time. I might have to save this trip for a family holiday with my wife and our soon to be first child.

    Tim mate, you're going to have to invest in one of those go pro cameras, so that I can see all of that Gods' country after you get back home.

  • markwoumla
    11 years ago

    Tim,  I was a little confused on the road your thinking of taking to get from Bombala to Cann River and then on to Orbost  by some of the posts.  Just to give you the heads up, here goes,   From Bombala to Cann River you are on the "Monaro Hwy" , approx 85 kms ,  a great road.    Of course you come out at Cann River and get on the Princess Hwy and carry on to Orbost.

    A member mentioned the "Bonang Hwy".  To get on to this road, you carry on from Bombala, approx 35kms , (not on Monaro Hwy to Cann River),  to a town called Delegate,  You go out of Delegate and you are know on the Bonang Hwy , which comes out at "Orbost".  Its been awhile since I've riden the Bonang Hwy, but from what I hear it can be a bit ordinary in some areas. I do know  the road from "Bombala to Cann River" has had a lot of work done on it and the surface is good.    Either way you will enjoy the mountian ride.  Cheers Mark

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    11 years ago

    Thanks Mark , just google mapped it . Bombala to Orbost via Cann River 160km 2hrs , or via Delegate 160km 3hrs . Been looking at heaps of maps .

    Wodonga to Tumut following the Murray River road looks good , 300km 5hrs .
