I have a 2012 Wideglide that I want to change the rear lights on. I am changing to the under fender Stop/Tail LED, genuine HD, which is no drama. However changing the turn signals to Stop/Run/Turn is causing a problem. The HD dealer says I can fit the S/R/T lights off the Streetglide, (I think that was the model), at $200 each, plus the ballast module, all up around a $500 mod. I looked into going aftermarket but all the LED insert systems I found seem to exclude 2010 on FXDWGs. I don't understand why. Do I have to go genuine HD with the high price to make this mod or does someone have an alternative?
Have you tried this company http://www.customdynamics.com/, as I have changed al the lights on my Streety to LED. My blinkers are brake,run & blinker are now very easy to fit.