• Glidz2012
    11 years ago

    I have a 2012 Wideglide that I want to change the rear lights on. I am changing to the under fender Stop/Tail LED, genuine HD, which is no drama. However changing the turn signals to Stop/Run/Turn is causing a problem. The HD dealer says I can fit the S/R/T lights off the Streetglide, (I think that was the model), at $200 each, plus the ballast module, all up around a $500 mod. I looked into going aftermarket but all the LED insert systems I found seem to exclude 2010 on FXDWGs. I don't understand why. Do I have to go genuine HD with the high price to make this mod or does someone have an alternative?

  • Rick1310
    11 years ago

     Have you tried this company http://www.customdynamics.com/, as I have changed al the lights on my Streety to LED. My blinkers are brake,run & blinker are  now very easy to fit.

  • Glidz2012
    11 years ago
    Thanks Rick1310. Good to know someone has had a good experience changing to LED's. Yes, CD's have been very helpful but at the end of the day, they want to sell their product. The sticking point has been the difference between the 2010 - 2012 models and previous models. There seems to be a lot of different views out there about the compatibility of LEDs with the latest HD circuitry. I got a pair of LED (incandescent) globe replacements just to try out. They seem to work OK with no change to flash rate, without using a ballast, so now I will look at buying CD's run/brake/turn signals. I certainly didn't want to do the mod if it meant going genuine HD and costing me an arm and leg!