I dunno about you guys, but can't wait to see what Polaris is going to with the old iconic Indian, they've made a new 111 to power it. Not bad will put another dint in the Harley world. Not that i'd give up my Harley though, wouldn't mind a second, third or forth bike though, now if I can just get that past the minister!!!
http://www.youtube.com/embed/qa-uCh2KN_s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
This is a teaser Hmmm 2......
I like the lines of the Indian engine as it looks (.) similar to the original (.) chief with finned flat heads. Indian is about to give HD a big fucking shock with a modern chief that looks old school and will blow most HD's into the weeds with a modern engine and no doubt a 21st centry frame and running gear. Not my carton of beer but good news for many
Fucking nice teaser tities above
I won't be selling the Springer but my next bike was gonna be an FLD - not so sure now ......