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Freight Train Headlight and Fatboy

  • Rob Fatboy
    Rob Fatboy
    11 years ago

     Has anyone fitted the freight train headlight to their Fatboy (or any other model), and what was the out come? I'll be fitting one to my Fatboy soon, and was wondering what peoples thoughts on the matter. I think they look pretty good.

  • mickle
    11 years ago

     Had one fitted to my bike and pretty happy with the look.

  • SoftailSteve
    11 years ago
    i put one on my heritage
  • the_mongrel
    11 years ago

     I have thought about it, but I would put the trim ring also, as I like the look.

    Like this one...


  • Rob Fatboy
    Rob Fatboy
    11 years ago
    The bikes look awesome with the Freight Train light. Thanks for posting your pics. I've bought the kit, now I have to fit it.
  • rodrocket
    11 years ago

    I think its a great addition to the front end

    I have ordered the freight train assembly, headlight trim rings & also the chrome lower forks for my Deluxe

    just need to decide on what chrome caliper to run with the billet front wheel  & the front is all sorted :-)

    I think they compliment the bike well


  • the_mongrel
    11 years ago
    Yeah - If it wasn't so freakin expensive!!!
  • Rob Fatboy
    Rob Fatboy
    11 years ago
    Your right about the price. I paid $650 for the whole set up. The dealership quoted me nearly $200 to install it, but its something most people can do if you can follow instructions.
  • SoftailSteve
    11 years ago
    not that hard to fit i put tape on all the edges so i did not scratch it when screwing it together soldering new headlight plug on is very straight forward