Ok finally got time to get the pics off my phone and play around with the videos, you'll have to excuse the poor quality of things, but well it's not my greatest strength :p
So here are some pics of the packaging the zorst came in:
All in all I'd say very well packaged for transport, there was no damage at all, nor do I think there would have been with a beating of the box, so happy with the postage and packaging (oh it took 6 days from ordering for it to arrive at my door)
The install process was interesting, getting the old zorst off was alright, everything seemed to line up pretty well with the Dan-Moto when everything was loose on the bike, but it got a little more difficult when trying to get everything to go together.
I started with the header pipes, and loosely got those onto the header, then positioned the megaphone and had the task of then getting the header pipes into the megaphone. This was not fun, this was not fun at all..... What I ended up doing was taking the megaphone and the rear header pipe off completely and pushing those two together off the bike, in the approximate position they would end up in. Then I went back to the bike with these together, loosely got the rear header pipe back on again and then had to wiggle in the front header pipe to the megaphone, this still took effort, but it was MUCH easier than having both header pipes on the bike.
The header pipes dont quite fit flush, which was a bit disappointing, but being that I have no skills in welding or pipe bending I had to live with it. Once the bolts on the header were tightened everything pulled together nicely, but there was a point where I was wondering if I was going to end up with gaps. All good though (sorry no pics here)
As you may have read I had a freak out when I started the bike originally and got thin white smoke from the headers, thinking I'd done something wrong, but it seems it was just the oil residue burning away and now I have no smoke at all.
Started it up and it was LOUD, soooooo much better than stock. But I'll get to that, here's some pics of the zorst on the bike
As you can see from the last pic, I've already scraped it. In fact I scraped it on the first ride of the bike, so it sits lower than the stock zorst, but it's still leanable, I'm pretty bike on throwing the bike into corners coming from my CBR1000RR so if you take it easy you're fine, if you want to get it over, you're going to scrape it.
More in the next post, I don't want to to screw up on me
Ok, so continuing on, I guess what you all really want to hear is the comparison, so here it is:
My first YouTube upload so it's terrible as putting the vids together I just did quickly through QuickTime, but more important is the sound
That vid was taken before Thundermax was put on and before I modded my airbox. Which came next, I got out the hacksaw and did the following to the airbox:
Air sensor is left in the same location but the front is WIDE open for cool air goodness to get in there.
Next came the Thundermax install, all went well there, didn't take longer to fit it up and then the software was very easy to user. I chose the base map of 558 which is based off the V&H Comp series 2into1 zorst and similar setups so it seems the way to go. Updated the firmware and performed the IAC Auto which meant leaving the bike running for 10 minutes in the garage for the temps to rise, headed outside so I didn't gas myself and the bike was done!
End results? Dan-Moto is farking LOUD and it sounds awesome. I'm really happy with the note that it's producing and I can be damn sure if someone runs into me with a car while I'm riding, it wont be because they can't hear me. It can get a bit droning, and I'm sure on long rides it might get a bit overbearing (I've got the GF to stock me up with ear plugs in case) but it's sounds really good.
Everything seems to be running well together, TMax zorst and filter, although it does seem to idle a little lumpy once it's hot and running. Not sure if I'm being paranoid, as it hasn't stalled or anything, and once I take off it beautiful again, but just a little lumpy sitting at the lights. Oh and it pulls like a teenager that just realised what he can use his wang for. Very happy with the pace at which it picks up
Zorst does sit low, and I have scraped it, but I was going into this venture with the outlook that I was going to scrape from the get go, so I'm not deluded by that at all. Just something I have to get used to.
All in all, a Dan-Moto zorst for $284 delivered to my door was well worth the investment, I'm very happy and I'd recommend them
Pipe looks great
Noticed on e-bay these pipes but they were for a softail and there coming out of china with free posatge
Hi mate,
How is that dan moto set up going? I'm getting interested for similar but in plain s steel for my 2005 B series. I know that they're loud but do they attract the attention of the local constabulary I wonder? Any performance issues? Did that lumpy idle settle down at all?
Hey Lem,
Thanks for that reply, a guy I know was running a v and h gangster pipe with a supertrapp mod in the can so not Too loud, still got pinged and defected for the muffler can falling short of the rear axle! What gives I'm not sure all depends on mr policeman at the time!
Couldnt be too expensive though to rig up a removable silencer. I know what Tony means with the peacemakers, should just be a solenoid switch set up with butterfly valve.
Im still going to give some thought to the highwayman pipe, as well as the supertrapp v 5 set up. All depends on my tax break this year (supertrapp system is farkin' expensive..)