I'm really fixed with waving. Always did that when meeting other bikers. It's just a gesture, but it includes a lot of meaning i think.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat
Monty Python
i like too wave @ girl's & Blow my horn
Have to agree, if they are on two wheels or three I always wave or nod, I am enjoying my ride and they are brothers or sisters enjoying the same.
I give a nod or raise my fingers while my palm is still on the grip if you know what I mean. If someone nods or waves to me I'll always... repeat always, nod or wave back.
What does it cost to give a nod or a wave? Don't give a fuck what they ride. Don't forget the car driver towing his van that sticks to left or pulls out of your way when he can . BIG thumbs up to them
I got a nod from another Harley rider the other night on my way home from cricket training, and replied with the same. I think it's the boy racers on their crotch rockets who are the most arrogant in the motorcyclist community.
I've always nodded, unless there's to many, wouldn't want to get dizzy now would we.
get back on your drugs hutch a fuckin girls bike hay ???
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, Faces, featuring Rod Stewart.
In the United States near all Harley riders wave or at least give a gesture such as a low left turn wave to oncoming HD riders. Try that here and you wouldn't see it because they're on the wrong side of the road. They can do this because the left hand is on the oncoming riders side and you don't have to take your hand off the throttle.
Each to themselves, if I'm out and about, haven't see anyone for a while I'll give a nod or a wave if possible. Once regularity increases give it a miss.
no great ride back mate thanks i seen a good pic of u out side one of the pubs maybe if thay get then printed i will get it for u
Sometimes i blow a kiss to an oncoming rider just for shock value, i even nodded at a cop on a bike once, he gave me a big headbang back!
Sometimes I don't wave & the other times I don't wave, on one waved to me in to me in the '70's or 80's so now I just don't wave, it was different in the 80's, everyone had shotguns strapped to there bike,,NO FUCKING WAVING.