down your way yup from what i have heard on this forum there anal about noise. just keep your stock pipes in case.
Whats that you say about "short pants and behinds"??? you'll need to speak up as I dont hear so well since I fitted the bigshots.........they sound good though
got short shots on my 2003 softtail,yer they are loud but thats the way they should be,no good sounding like a lawn mower,just get em and stay of the gas around town.
Yep, too loud for me, changing them this week while my bike is apart
Yep, did that, still a bit loud for me, I must be getting old
Short shots, tried them with standard baffle, quiet baffle and even had the quiet baffle wrapped, I do a lot of Kim's and shift work, so the noise got a bit much, putting the stock headers back on with a set of slip-ons while it's in the shop now getting some other shit done.
I've done some testing on some mates bikes with loud pipes and they ranged fron 102db to 118db at 2800 RPM. It would be more at higher revs. Dude that's loud!!
I have the big radius pipes on my fatboy, they are loud and give me migrains if I don't wear ear plugs, I found the best plugs are the silicon putty ear plugs, brand name surgipack.
i like my screaming eagle 2s with no bafs, an was sorry to get here and find out i have to put stock sewing machine pipes on!