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"Come Cruisin 4 Leukaemia" 25th November

  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    17 years ago

    "Come Cruisin" is the Sunshine Coast American Motorcycle Clubs 2nd Annual fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation.

    Departs 9.30 am 25th November 07 from the Nambour Crushers Rugbly Leagues Club.

    Take the Nambour - Bli Bli exit off the Bruce Highway and the club is about 100 mtrs from the exit.

    All makes of bike welcome on this ride, will be a " roll the dice " type run.

    Heaps of prizes on the day including 4 accomodation and meal packages at some of the best B&B and resorts that the Sunshine Coast Hinterland has to offer.

    Lunch stop included and all prizes drawn at the Nambour Crushers after the ride. So get your mates together and come along for a day riding the Hinterland to support the Leukaemia Foundation.