Online: beaglebasher

How many Kms have you done??

  • obisteve
    18 days ago
    Thanks Hilly, I used to sell some stuff into 2 Wheels in the late 80's, and got some advertorial into LTR for a mates oilskin clothing and swag business in the mid 90's. I still have some copies of those magazines. Always a buzz to see your name in print, when it's not in the court list. Later found out by accident that a couple of the 2 Wheels stories were being used by a Sunny Coast teacher as reading for disengaged young blokes who weren't gonna find anything of interest in the set curriculum. That was a nice feeling.
    And Humbug, damn right about us being the old blokes. I took the old rattler over to Kilcoy for a blood test today so the quack can see how much more blood to suck out. Only 65 km round trip, but with all the muscle wastage everything hurt by the time I got there, making hand signals overtaking at 120 kph was bloody painful. I particularly felt like an old fart when I got there and found I had left the pathology request form at home. Just an excuse to ride back Tuesday.
    And then went to a funeral for a past member of the fire brigade. Nice little country cemetery, about 30 people. It's a bloody final sight seeing the coffin drop into the hole. Had a joke with the first officer, Mate, there's one less bloke older than us left in the world.
    Still, not expecting the tap on the shoulder and the Hurry up, it's your turn now anytime soon.

  • Rextheute2022
    9 days ago
    Thanks for the words , I have owned a 2002 1200s , purchased new from Fraser’s in Homebush -> about 10 or so yrs ago it reappeared on here 
     - I still search the forums and bike adverts looking for it . The one that got away coz at the time I thought I needed more .
    Now I’m not sure if it’s the memories of the purchase , my wife bought it for me as a surprise upgrade from a xl883r , or the fine times it bought me with mates - just generally being a hooligan hahaha
    But I wish is still had it . 
    Your words made it dusty in Country Vic , ‘ it’s just a bike , but the memories are what come flooding back ‘ 
