Online: Rextheute2022

Is this a rip off

  • rowie
    12 years ago



    08 fat boy, 7900 km, $12500 . tel: 0386169325   Ballarat Courier 11/10/12. Dodgy?

    sorry cant get link to work


  • FatboyMac
    12 years ago

    Must be the weekend for it, local paper has a 2010 Fatboy with 12,000kms for $13400!!  

    Ya know what they say..... If it sounds too good to be true.......

  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago
    I don't think there is any issue posting the number. It's already posted to the public by the seller. Pointless calling the owner, because the last thing he will do is tell you if it's dodgy!

    Asking like minded people who have been in and around Harleys since they could walk, is a fair idea - I did it before I bought mine.

    Just my 0.2!
  • Soapbox2627
    12 years ago
    hear the news

    Cricket posts a duck (0)
  • rowie
    12 years ago

     Didn't say its dodgy. Asked an opinion. I am not in the market for a new bike. Price seems too good be to be true. I am not in the market for a new bkie, but if a fellow forum members is, and its a genuine ad, then cant see what the problem is letting them know of the apparent bargain price. 

  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago
    If you listen closely... you can hear the Crickets.... Or maybe not! ;)
  • speedzter
    12 years ago
    A mate from from work called the number in that adv' a heap of times, and always got a weird answering machine.
    He left a message, and got a text back a week later.
    It was along the lines of, " I'm currently overseas ................ etc"
  • rowie
    12 years ago

     As a Pom would say, "that's not cricket"??

  • allde
    12 years ago


  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago
    Yeah... and wouldn't it be great if a working girl would support a "bob a job week" LOL!!!
  • allde
    12 years ago