Online: beaglebasher

Gday and hi from perth

  • stbob
    17 years ago

    Hi all my name is bob and im on my second harley the first beeing a sporty 1200custom and im now waiting on delivery of a street bob cant waite let you all know how it gos when i get it keep up the good work and wat greate site

  • OSP1340
    17 years ago
    Welcome to the forum Bob. When did the dealership say your street bob will come in?
  • stbob
    17 years ago
    HI the dealership have said it will be in some time in november.
    gday noitartsurf im north of the river
  • gsh
    17 years ago

    Welcome bob, did you decide to buy the bob because of your name

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    G'day Bob... so you saw the error of your ways and are going Dyna  What colour you order?

  • Scorp
    17 years ago
    G'day StBob Waikiki here.

    Perthies are taking over the WORRRRRLLLLLLLDDDDDDD lol
  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    G'day Bob.......NOR too.

    I agree Scorp.......the way things are going we'll soon have to expand the border and this means overthrowing  a few local governments (How does pushing the Black Stump over to somewhere near Auckland sound?). I still maintain that if you guys make me president I guarantee that no child will be living in poverty by 1999................ummmm, hang on a, what I meant was  that I'll scrap the baby bonus but will instead offer $10k rebate on all Harley Davidson MC purchases and push for earlier delivery in the New West of the new models on order. Heck, I'll even throw in a docket for a free Chiko Roll and can of Coke for the ride out can't beat that. It'll be a New World Order where we in the West will reclaim our right to stolen sporting events and a return to decent bands dropping by our sunny shores........even if it means it has to be at gunpoint. Kevin07?? Nah, Mega-is-Bedda



    Bloody hell............I think someone replaced my pain killers

  • stbob
    17 years ago
    G'day gsh lets just say the name helped but realy wanted a dna to many softys out there.
    G'day scorp I went for the black denim as i will be riding every day just hope its easy to keep clean.