Hi all.
What bar, Or bars, In Perth, Do Harley riders 'usually' hang out/drink at?
I remember it USED to be The Queens, But that was a long time ago.
I ask, Because I hate going to bars, And having to park my bike in between rice crackers, And then, Being the only Harley rider at the joint, Having all the cracker owners run their mouths!!
Fuck the peth pubs if ya keen to get out to some country pubs with a few other harley nutters just sing out
reakon you have found Nirvana
Dont Know of any Pub exclusive to "Harley Riders" I dont care what I ride with or what i park next to, I do hate associating with "weekend bikies" at the pubs though, you know the type ........ the ones who put all the kit on and head to Dwelingup or Jarrahdale and puff their chests out because they've bought a Harley. Just as bad as associating with a bunch of wannabe Stoners and Rossi's dressed up like power rangers riding their "crackers" if you want to shut em up mention torque figures from 2000rpm.