I went with the sputhe front and back only because they seem a bit more compact. I have not got them on yet but apparently the front is a peice of piss to put on but the back is a bit more fucking around (wheel off etc). My mate got them sent over for me from yank land while we were overseas recently as we could not find a local supplier. I will let you know results soon but the reseach i did was pretty impressive. If you decide to go this way Hmmm i will get details of who to contact if ya like.
$420 including delivery but i think me mate got some sort of disscount or something. Also its a bit of fucking around to pay because it has to go to the western credit union or some shit and i think it was $60 buck for the cheque. sorry im a bit vague hmmm, just trying to remember what me mate that got ours said now.
maybe max can help out
any pics of what the Sputh unit looks like? steering dampers are good too