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Chopperworks Liquidation Updates

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago

    At the end of the day if people set out to dud you they very often get away with it! Thats the reason for REVS checks and written off vehicle data banks. Do yourself a favour and spend an hour in a sydney car auction and see how many vehicles are purchased by back yarders, no way in the world can they sell those cars for the money they pay unless there is a "spare" vehicle to swap bits from at home. A simple milage register would stop all this, till they think of something else....  Fines and penalties are not high enough to stop them though. Its good to see so many people now educating themselves with the information to stop rip offs.

  • TJU
    12 years ago
    Hi Guys , this may have been covered elsewhere but am courious ... with imports will a REVS check or written off vehicle inquiry be enough to give a person peace of mind here in Australia , if buying here at my local bike shop ... i would have thought that Aussie customs wouldnt allow bikes that had money oweing on them or incorrect numbers into the country in the first place .

    Are there any other specific checks one should make regardless of import or Aussie dealership bike .

    Thanks for any idears or thoughts ... Tim .
  • aido
    12 years ago

     Three years ago bought a 05 V rod private sale with a RWC,Transferred into my name without a problem.

    When i sold it to an interstate buyer last year when he tried to change the reg over it came back as a repaired writeoff.

    Buyer was none too happy but i had no idea.

    I will be more carefull in the future.

  • harleyDude73
    12 years ago

    Anyone know where the slimey cunt is hiding? Cops are nearly ready to make an arrest and bring the cunt back to QLD to face the music. I hope he cops a good fucking beating before they get him.

  • FLHuTChU
    12 years ago

    Cue an appropriate quote from dumb and dumber.

    Kick his ass sea bass.

  • FLHuTChU
    12 years ago

     And no coke!

  • SgtChuckFart
    12 years ago

    I met Jeff and his family over 15 years ago although have not seen him since he left Canberra for the 'high life' in Qld. Shit I bought many parts from his old Wide Glide to use on my bike and partied with him here, he painted my bike when he ran the spray booths at local panel beater. Always flashy and like to spend money - as it seems spend a little more than he had.

    What Jeff has done is just plain stupid and idiotic and I hope he his found and pays for this crap and knowing Jeff he want be able to keep his head down for long so will eventually 'turn up' one way or another.

    But it his lovely wife Sam and the kids I feel for so whilst he needs to make recompense in some way spare a thought for his family as they did nothing wrong and just think of him as their husband and father.


    Silly silly boy

  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    So to be clear we're not talking about the Harley Heaven store, but Heaven with Harleys?
  • harleyDude73
    12 years ago
    Just had word in last few days that Auction for parts, etc will be in Sept. Police are also close to an arrest! Bring it on, can't wait to go to court and look the gutless c*** in the eyes!
  • HDHighwayHauler
    12 years ago

    someone said just think of that guy who ripped people off as a father and a husband ?

    WHY ?

    that shouldnt save him from what he deserves. he stole and lied to people from the sounds of it. IF he stole from me, like he did the others, as i was jumping up and down on his head repeatedly with my steel cap boots, the father and husband bit wouldnt even come into it !

    from what i have read, by the many pages, is that he is a dead man walking (hiding n running more like it)

    He doesnt deserve any mercy whatsoever. If u caught a bloke going thru your bedroom drawers in the middle of the night, he would need a ambulance as a bare minimum. BUT a sneaky slimy low life thief who conned many over these HD import bikes etc, deserves alot worse for being a complete sneaky cunning thief and liar.

    He deserves what he deserves, and i am afraid he did that to his wife n kids, no one else. So when he is caught, and he gets what he desserves when the lads in the jail system pass the word, it will be no ones fault but his that he ends up in a wheel chair or dead or whatever.

    and when his kids ask where the father has gone, his wife can tell them the truth.   ÿour dad was a scumbag and a thief.

    Its amazing the blokes in the clubs/one percenters havent got him yet ? Amazing.

  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    Ummm, I can't be fucked finding the post, but I thought it was said that the family did nothing wrong and just thought of him as a father so don't blame them....did anyone say we should all just think of him as a dad?
  • HDHighwayHauler
    12 years ago

    my stuff up. THE ORIGINAL post said think of him as their father etc.. I didnt read the word their.   That changes what the original poster was saying so my interpretation was a bit off.   Apologies.

    Its amazing its taken so long for the law or the victims of this bloke to catch up with him.

    I hope anyone who got cheated gets some or most/all of their money back.

  • Aussie Dave
    Aussie Dave
    12 years ago

    If no one seen him yet, i would say he swimming with the fishes or he is going a good job not to be found?

  • harleyDude73
    12 years ago
    Boo hoo, you reap what you sow. No sympathy!
  • harleyDude73
    12 years ago
    How does someone who's shafted hundreds of thousands of dollars from many people have the right to be able to negotiate their conditions? Crazy if true and will just fire people up even more!
  • ConR
    12 years ago
    +1. Feed him to the bikies!
  • paulybronco
    12 years ago
    There are only a few ways that he can do as you are suggesting. If he has evidence and is prepared to be a crown witness in relation to a major crime or a criminal orginisation and i mean serious crimes not just petty crap then he will be assesed for the witsec program. This in its self does not mean that he escapes jail but would reduce his sentence based on the assistance he has offered police.The other way is to offer an induced statement where he gets imdemnity, or other words a free pass, from the dpp to give a statement without a caution from police. That statement is then not admissable in a court as there is a disclaimer read out for the ERISP tape outlining the fact that it can not be used in court against you. As there appears on face value to be a prima facia case of fraud and other charges of deception i would think that they would not have any interest in doing any deal as there is already plenty to secure a conviction. Now if he does have PROOF of a serious crime/crimes he may have some reduction of charges offered as a sweetner to get him to testify against others. If/when he does go to jail chances are he will do it in protection and well away from main jails in a place like Cooma that houses at risk and high profile criminals like ex coppers, crown witnesses etc.
  • HDHighwayHauler
    12 years ago

    The bloke is a dead man the way i see it. If he goes to jail he will be fixed. If he is seen in public, he will be fixed.

    He cant hide forever. A decent cop/detective should be able to find this bloke/his family in 5 minutes. He has to use his keycards or his car sooner or later. He has to lodge a bond if renting his house. He has to use a cell phone to call his lawyer or his home/business phone etc. All are easily tracked with technology. A decent private investigator could find him no hassles at all. If the cops havent found him, they are NOT looking real hard at all.

    Re the not going to jail part, he is dreaming. Firstly the dept of public prosecutions doesnt negotiate with criminals who have cheated people of hundreds of thousands of dollars. it is illegal to trade whilst insolvent so not even bankrupt laws will save him.

    This creep has a hide, saying he doesnt deserve jail time, and he thinks it is below him. What a poofter with no balls. First he hides like a coward, then sits on his high horse telling everyone else what he thinks he should have. This is the god syndrome that got him into trouble to start with.

    People are like lightbulbs. Once they are repeatedly bashed and bashed and bashed, they never go back together the same. I hope they catch him before the cops do, and i hope he enjoys his 23 hours a day in his protection cell, hiding out with all the other cowardly dogs in the protection bone yard. What a coward. No jail time. What a dreamer. What a turd.


  • harleyDude73
    12 years ago

    ok, for anyone who has lost money to this turd you may be able to lodge a claim against the QLD Government Claim fund via a "PAMD Form 50". This is via the Claims and Recoveries department of the Office of Fair Trading and you can call them direct on 3115 1716. Best to give them a call, explain your loss and see if it's a possible case. Because I lost it on a bike purchase I've apparently got a good case. Not sure about spare parts, etc, best to call and ask. The OOFT investigates and if it is decided in your favor will refund you and then go after him for the money, even if he is in Jail! The only draw back is that it takes months. But hey, if you can get your money back it's worth a shot.

  • Low Life
    Low Life
    12 years ago

    That's probably you're best chance, I think you will find that every transaction was conducted under the "company" name so there is no claim against any "individual".    This is usual practice with company bankruptcies.  

    I was speaking to his head mechanic at Morgan and Wacker the other day and understand that he had been in a coupe of days before, be interesting to see the outcome.
