Online: Hilly

103 stage iv kit

  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    12 years ago

    You beat me Paul , 10mths on my Superglide ,9000km , not ridin to work . Can,t keep off it ! Fuck , the colour of your bike is amazing , looks 3D in the photo .

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago
    Did 7000klm in 3 weeks from Sunny coast Qld, over the Snowys, great ocean rd, Adelaide broken hill and home. No issues except nearly killed 1klm from home with a tourist going the wrong way around the roundabout nearly hitting us head on at 60kph!
  • chriso
    12 years ago
    nice bike paul sold my glide but fuck they are good for the big miles. the colour looks real great
  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    If you buy the bike and get the stage 4 kit installed at the same time its all covered under warranty isn't it?

    From a Virago 250 to a Yamaha TRX 850 to a 2001 Moto Guzzi V11 Le Mans (had for 10 years) to a fat bob with stage IV.

    Stage 4 will still be fine as a daily ride wont it?
  • Ando
    12 years ago
    Depends on dealeer ask they will tell you and yes it will be good to get to work
  • ozymax
    12 years ago
    every thing I had installed by the dealer before delivery is covered for the full 2 years with the bike. Anything installed after I belive is coverd for the normal period for that part and the work.
    Chriso can tell you for sure about the stg 4.
  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    if you buy a 103 dyna, are there stage kits to take it to 110?
  • shingles
    12 years ago

    hi yes u can get screaming eagle kits 110 but your crancases need to be bored upon reading there info ,u can also change 2 103 stage iv even though u av a 103 engine,as kitted mods av huge increase in performance than yor standard 103 internals ,cams pistons look up screamin eagle on web an go 2 performance engine mods ,ive even read u can get more go by doin 103 stage iv than goin 2 110kit an besides u dont av 2 do dis boreing cases thing ,the 103 ci 4 kit is very good an probably go harder than wat yor lookin at only wat ive read Shingles

  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    I'm thinking either fatbob or wideglide (dependent results of rideday)
    Screamin' EagleĀ® Heavy Breather Performance Air Cleaner Kit - Gloss Black
    and 103 stage 4 kit.

    probably from Titan bike and Trike in Hobart
  • ozymax
    12 years ago
    either 1 mate. I am biased but I feel the fatbob will handle and stop better
  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    Thanks Shingles, that does help a lot with deciding on which bike.
  • chriso
    12 years ago
    Back brake when tearing through the twistys for me shingles, as ya know back brake will
    pull ya into the corner if ya come in to hot. Whereas front brake will stand ya up... But yep
    both brakes together though in all other situations.

    Voigtstr if you ride hard, I agree go the fatbob. Wide glides handle better then most other
    Harley's but no match for the bob
  • jon doe
    jon doe
    12 years ago

    nice glide makes mine look dull.. mines a 08..kitted with a 103 

  • jon doe
    jon doe
    12 years ago

    i was gunna go 110 the bike shop told e they were hard to get good horse power out of for the money and 103 gives the best resolts for the doller but 113 is another story ..J.D

  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    103 will do me then. With SE stage 4 kit. Just go to get finance sorted now... got a half a pdf application for a Line of Credit filled out.
  • shingles
    12 years ago
    SHINGLES ere nearly 3000ks since stage iv mods been floggin her hard jus cant help it ,from the time i start bike up i know ill be feelin somethin quite intense wen i hit highway jus a stonesthrow from me house ,i choose me times wen i do ride i dont work so time is on my side so here we go enterin on ramp an all normality in behaveior is gone its just twist it an go as fast as possibly allowable or more ,the sound from bike is loud an aggressive cars hear this thing cumin an move over if im cumin in dat lane its like wat cars movin over now this has been a regular occurance ive noticed ,so 2 be heard is deffinatly a possitif as far as my life is concerned bit like police siren only different ,anyway my fatbob is still performin as it has since i piked up from shop and im givin motor one hell of a workout an not broken yet ,only used 100ml oil since first change at 1000ks probably due 2 me been doin lots burnouts big burnouts lots first gear abuse should go a bit easyier on her ,i av new tyres jus put on pirelli nite dragons front & rear well now im not spinnin as i launch one hell of a grippy tyre ,u can still smoke em if ya want jus use more throttle with clutch release wen takein of but im guna make tyres last a little longer so i goes a bit gentleer on em ,well i gave bike a full bore run 2 see how handle at high speed wif new rubber on as it was wobblein all over da place wif shot tyre at rear also i av steerin damper on now bought from states bolt strate on made 4 fatbob $275 i think J&P cycles states i buy lots threw mail order from them ,anyway had bike up to 220klms an hour was easy an bike sat solid an felt perfect at that speed not a movement in chassis tyres make big difference in stability plus steerin damper help ,now b 4 engine mods i was luky 2 get 190klms an hour an dat was on long strate ,now i can hit 220 without needin miles strate road did this in less than 2ks an thers more left in kph from bike need another speedo harly 1 only go 220 ,i suppose jus watch needle go past that as no pin 2 stop needle ,well there yas go the latest on me bike performance an speeds u can achieve if your dat way inclined an fuk it gets dere fast ,dats da way bike is ment 2 b ridden not fukin round in urban shit ,every time i take bike out i hit 180 - 200 ks an hour jus so easy an i luv the sound theraputic i say makes all my pain go away from injuries we car ran in 2 me 6yrs ago ,i should b ridein slowly an sensible but dats not my style ah well im signin off SHINGLES
  • chriso
    12 years ago

    good to see ya back Shingles , i have put 6500 on my stage 4 since new in about July, gets a flogging too and is going great. I put sputhe stabilizers on mine and fucking best upgrade ive done on any harley when it comes to handling. My tyres get the occasional workout to mate. HAHA

  • shingles
    12 years ago
    yep avent written dis thread but av wrote sum stuff about dis an dat regardin sum issues an other general ramblins of my opinions about stuff dont even no were or wat was writein about may av gotten carried away on sum subjects ,bet then cant even remember wat i wrote ha ha ha every thing i own lately has broken or worn out not a day goes by dat it hasnt cost me 500-1000 in last 2 weeks which is pissin me off cos its chewin money i could use on bike or myself ,so i gets home after new tyres on bike wipein down bike as was rainin an big piece of paint falls off front mudguard ,i goes wat da fuk eres another 500 man jus put tyres on so i say 2 im paint fall of front fender he say not im do ,wierd piece of paint 1 1/2 " long by 3/8" right in middle at front of fender thers no dints or chips were sumthin been droped or hit jus piece paint fall off about half mill thik even had curved shape piece that is under top fender so i stuk bak on supa glu lost 1 little piece that broke off ,now im pissed got new tyres but now need repainted fender i take off fender now bugger it mite get it chromed paint no fall off then A . Jus got up gunna start up monster an o igot dis crazy cun across road dat cums over screamin out 2 me ya fukin noisey cun tried 2 push me over while im on bike mrs had 2 cum out an chase stupid cun bak home he waits 4 me 2 cum home then runs over bangin on our door mrs tells im again 2 go home he called her every name ya can think off ,but if i touch im copa cum giv me D V an that no gunna happen cun does dis shit all da time he screams at guys on bikes all da time ,i rings metal health cos dis dude not full quid throws roks at people day say nothin we can do now im tryin 2 advise dept dis guy gunna hurt sum 1 or im get belted ,i rang in da matter of public safety cause now he jumps in front movin bikes & cars day jus hung up farrk me ,mrs go up cop shop tell em wat im doin ,day say any 1 hurt yet ah no, sorry mrs weel make a note of it they never even came an spoke 2 im WELL WHILE IM ON SUBJECT I GO START BIKE NOW enough of dis typin shit most of this got nufin 2 do wif 103ci iv kit but in a way it has given me da urge 2 make noise an ride even wif me broken foot fuk it hurts SHINGLES
  • ozymax
    12 years ago
    never a dull moment with shingles around.
  • shingles
    12 years ago
    well i went for dat ride even hot in singlet ,well i cums home after short ride an guess wat dat silly farrkinn idiot from across road standin dere lookin at me ,i wont aknowledge im ride threw my gate i still dont look at im cause i jus koodnt b bothered at dis stage of da day ,shut gate ride in park bike then i hear all dis screamin ya bloody muth fukan asshole cunt an more i says wife ya mates at it again she goes outside an he throws a rok across road at my place well no im pissed ,ya farrkin asshole but i mus refrain not approach im cause they will cum take me instead ,i no how dis shit works hes out front screamin at people drivein an ridein by i saz 2 mrs i hope sum cunt farrkin stops an smashes da fuk outa dat cunt ,weve told police wat hes doin no 1 givs a fuk o but if ya hit im or sumthin well we all no wats gunna happen then ,cop saz we cum if sumeone hurt so much 4 tellin authoritys that the man is doin unsafe actions putin public in danger an himself no im no dobber but dis cun is a doin this on a daily basis runnin infront of cars throwin roks screamin how hes guna kill every cunt , ijus wana smash dis cun farkin hard so he knows wat pain feels like an again an again an i can barly walk u jus av 2 push me an ill fall over ,bloke nex door saz e go in sort im i saz no da kun will cry an ring fuzz den ya fuked wif DV notice he listened an said yor rite so we go bak inside the laws taken away our rite 2 sort shit the way it used 2 b ,o no u ring ooo all very well wile sum kun smashin da fuk outa ya an ya unconsious or stabbed or wat ever i grew up in country dat cun would b sorted by townspeople cops didnt dare interveen fuk all of dem in town and a lot off us wats happened 2 this country run by a bunch of mamby pamby soft coks SHINGLES