103 stage iv kit

  • shingles
    12 years ago

    a max i jus bort dis car luv it wen i do drive mrs car i pay she take no im learnin stuff i put photo on ere now jus av 2 get bike piks an sound on ere an i dont even no how idid this luk i spose

  • ozymax
    12 years ago
    fuck me shingles you got good taste in bikes and cars, enjoy mate
  • paulybronco
    12 years ago
    Is your car regoed shingles?
  • jon doe
    jon doe
    12 years ago

     Cool I only got 77 out of mine with the same deal 

  • shingles
    12 years ago

    is my car regoed not sure were u at wif dat question could be maybe dunno really not my dept ol mate

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago

    Just asking if that picture of the Merc is your Mrs car, you did mention that you drove it so my question  still is it regoed?

  • shingles
    12 years ago

    y is dat so much of aconcern 4 u,i dont no were or wat it really make any sense not yor car or r u concerned 4 my wife 2 av reg dont get yor question really r u police or jus makein sure its ,im sorta lost 4 words dat car pik jus taken off piks on web not mine at all ,there is 1 in shed do u wana buy 1 can get u 1 wif rego 2 if u after 1 awaitin yor reply this car seems 2 b of grate interest 2 u ol mate please explain further

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago
    i knew you were telling lies when you said you had bought that car for your mrs as it was my old car that was written off during a stint overseas a few yrs back. Intrested to know where you got that photo from though...?
  • shingles
    12 years ago

    how u tell dat was yor car u jus pullin me leg surely unless da 1 bort is it but it couldnt b well if so day fix im up good well mate i reckon yor full of it

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago

    I know its my car because i took that photo, and no it is not the car that you claimed you have. So you have been found out for telling lies my friend.

    FYI That car was a total write off about 12mths after that photo was taken.

  • voigtstr
    12 years ago
    re steering dampers, can you get them for Harleys? My 2001 Moto Guzzi V11 Lemans has a damper on it. I'm wondering if I'll miss that on a fat boy or wide glide?
  • shingles
    12 years ago

    woo hang on there ol mate that pik was sourced from wikipedia was posted on there  27-1-2008 by a author named rudolf stricker so thats were i saw an put on here cause i dont no how 2 transfer photos of my car which is same colur an model ,so i jus did that an didnt even no if that would work an yes i do own a e280 an proud of that obsidian black wif bone interior sheepskin covers wooden steerin wheel an host of other stuff phone roof sensors an over 180000ks v6 petrol beautiful 2 drive quiet effortless motorin 7speed auto an i aint no liar fella those sort of allegations r uncalled for be warned thats no way 2 make friends is it now paul

  • shingles
    12 years ago

    yes u can buy steering dampers 4 harleys not made by harley its an aftermarket item ,depending on yor model cause there is a lot of different diameter fork tubes theer all from abroad mostly go ebay or jus type in computa steering damper harley an companys wil pop up a good company is J&P cycles ive delt wif them you order online pay then comes 2 ya house im gettin a set my fatbob 240 or sumthin cant rememba but even if more i want that part they only sell quality items probably biggest after market supplyier of all parts 4 all cycle brands huge list from all manufactorers u wana look at stuff 4 ya bike this is were u look bye 4 now

  • voigtstr
    12 years ago

     Thanks Shingles!

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago
    Lets start again at the beginning, you posted a picture of a benz and then said that you just just bought THAT CAR for your Mrs. Now that was a lie. You should have said i bought a car SIMILAR OR THE SAME COLOR OR MODEL as the car in the photo as you have just done in your reply. As for making friends i am simply enjoying the common bond of owning a Harley and gaining info on some of the technical issues that will improve it.But if anyone talks crap and i can prove it i will put my two bobs worth in.
  • shingles
    12 years ago

    yes well i stand mistaken about saying that was the car well i didnt mean 2 imply it was that exact car in picture ,but same i didnt mean 2 dislead anyone jus sayin i bought same car i should av quoted that ,but no misleaing was intended purely an oversight on my behalf i hope this ok with i appolagise 2 all readers that i used a photo that everdently u say was yors at 1 time was only showing as example of mine nothin else paul i hope ive resolved this issue with you Shingles

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago

    Its all good shingles, i applaude your honest and frank reflection. No need for opologies either mate, lets just keep on enjoying the forums.

  • shingles
    12 years ago

    well paul wat particular harley you own my fellow member its none of my buisnes but jus tryin 2 make a common bond between members on here ,havent seen or even anythin about wat u ride ,so if u hav 1 yalk about your ride i wana no about yor thoughts on yor bike awaitin yor reply Shingles

  • paulybronco
    12 years ago

    Its a 2012 street glide stock motor powervision tuner, s/eagle air cleaner v/h pipes with cat removed. Now has 22000klm in 10mths. Looking at your stage iv kits with interest once all the touring trips are done. May not happen with this bike will buy a new one to hot rod


  • shingles
    12 years ago

    hey paul dats a nice bike an i was contenplateing wether 2 buy 1 of those myself as i thought i was gunna do sum distance tidein interstate again ,but realism hit home an dat i do av problems wif mobility of my body an were was i gunna go anyway all on my own ,but i do like dat model hav radio or music is tat rite it wood b good 4 distance ride ive been all over aus hitched an driven ,i had dis feelin i may ride around aus jus 2 be active or sumrthin but then jus sittin on bike hour after hour i sorta lost interrest wat was i goin 2 achieve o look i jus rode around aus who cares if i made a doco or sumthin 2 sell maybe b ok but all been done bfore so i decided 2 buy sumthin that i can get buz wen ridein even if only hour or so but mus handle an go good so did homework an thats how i became owner of fatbob ,u see i wanted sumthin wether i rode again after all those yrs of not even bein able 2 walk let alone wipe my own arse due 2 fatality ,so wen i thought its time again 2 get on bike i had 2 look at low 2 the ground first so i could at least balance in a fashion an i wanted handlein so fatbob was the best choice in hd mark ,if i decided riden was not 4 me again i put in lounge room as art piece ,but lukily wen i went on my first encounter on bike which i modified gear change mechanism so i can use my heel 4 down an up as i never even rode bike wen bought as was unable 2 ,so was a big step 4 me but iwas happy wif my first ride even though it hurt like hell vibrations cuminup threw leg into all  my pins an rods i av 2 take pain killers 2 ride otherwise 2 much pain 2 endure but im bak 2 my old stupid ways of riden again geez mite die in sleep as every 1 is of late Shingles
