103 stage iv kit

  • shingles
    8 years ago

    a bud shingles here i ave stg race kit been on quite a few yrs am dissabled and dont ride a lot an theres no 1 2 ride with ,pipes reccomended by hd dealer at time said big shot staggered were pipes used on motor by screaming eagle in mapping an finall tune ,so i already had set i wanted curved look 2 but mechanic say no fukin good wont work ,there a look only pipe these r questions among others i asked ,told them bike will b flogged i mainly do hwy as around town is not a nice jus put gadjet ya gotta give it a stab at lights always go front burn rubber every light so easy ,bike likes 2 be warmed up a long time or jus take easy an beware may cough or complain at goin around roundabout if cold even jus general start an go from cold will be sus try warm up b 4 ya ride 5min another 5 inten if i go on hhwy get fuel always fill b 4 i head if need 2 get on it .perhaps immediate action is required 2 make haste baddies may b honing fuk dat im off ,but depends were is wen this may occurr ,but on hwy  ill start off an b in 4th at 100 say 4 a while then 5th 4 a while alt least 15k or more b 4 i start missbehaven u hav 2 look an feel is the time rite if so a few blats open throttle were cant be seen coz beautiful long hill stops view  from other side  then button off cumin round  bend now down few kys at open grip 2hunge usally obbtainable i know road as well pik times ,11 on get 2 place  av 2 snorts get bak on evil and do same hopefully on way bak ,and occauinsionly there will be plains u needs good mirrors  an no wat machine can do ive had em all over me up ass beside i stay im far right lane no matter wat ride on  thier right quarter panel in blind spot an stay wont go past even wen they slow down 60klm on hwy wanting me go past which i can but i no the result 4 that will let im behind  me an ya cant outrun airwaves ,i mean how stupid is dat this went on 4 15klms he couldave got in front of me and blew flashers ,but nah im fukan adamant dis cunt wants 2 get behind me but i jus go slower ,well jus b4 dis was doin 180+as 1 left in golf at exit as he blew an stopped on side of road and showed credentials speed van i sore it  an knew dis spot rest area an hwy entry an ya cant c as trees but has long straigght run onto hwy as rest area long 4 truks ,golf wen past me left side 140 + then in front me we both saw van an went fark  an he headed left straght at it humm i goes he eas playin da u go now an lets c wat ya got well couldnt up big incline hit 5800rpm 5th up 6th open 2 taps golf speck fuked with him a bit then he bail now out comes da big dog i already know this go by gut an past experiences commy wide sqatt rear end  3 aerials dat could talk 2 nasa as i came at 180 decided button offf ljus let go an fukkin things jus die like parachute then stay bak feww hunge but as klms go  further we do da  slower an slower routine ,but i aint goin past he wanted dat and legally i could ,but u know in ya gut refrain an remain in right lane no matter wat klms people will go arround me ,dem fellas have pushed fellas off if ridin in left lane ,but will refrain from pushin 2 da right as is usually into on comong ,he deffinatly wanted my ass so turnoff go 2 place 2 av pint putta putta into little town an turn left 2 park outsite inn go up footpath ride into dissabled  park towtruck tilttray right in front  of me  an unmarked different commy 3aerial job  ,i turns off bike  puts on dissabled park permit  2 windscreen  open up me walkin cane stand there  we both look at each other he smirkin ,im tapping dissabled permit with cane  lock bike up tilt tray lowers tray goes cop plain leaves  ,so in sde hotel i saz active 2 day ,did u get ticket no i saz ,everybody saz fukin blitz on an everyone in towns been had ,no ones game to drive ,they all said u will be fuked headin bak down mountain great im thinkin even publican saz ya most likely will fark im thinkin 3 ways can go ,bloke walks in saz huge fukan storm kumin  we look its stinkin hot sweat pissin off nah he goes b ere in 20 ,an it gunna hail an wot knot fuin great got no long shirts an no mesh rain gaurd 4 air filter an fuk it came hammering ah fuk packed up got an old jumper from pub an went they wont b out in dis shit nows my chanche get da fuk outta here putta putta putta runnnin like sik cat but knew 30klms +rain start easin and be warm an get dried on rest of trip  it was fukin freeezin  an saturated in 5555555 seconds flat that sorta rain  o fuk sorry mate im on da wrong fukin page

  • paulybronco
    8 years ago

    Welcome back Shingles
