Online: tussuck

Freo Coastal ride - Sunday 11th

  • alchemist
    17 years ago

    Looking at hopefully getting out Sunday afternoon for a blat up the coast, it's meant to be 34.

    Thinking of meeting in Freo at Cpt Munchies 4pm then heading up the coast to Hillaries for a drink, then back down the freeway thru the tunnel to Hamburger Hill by 7ish

    Who's keen ?!

  • alchemist
    17 years ago
    Yar, I might even have my backpack too :)
    Munchies is on the same road as the train station in freo, just head down towards the old woolstores from the station and you'll see it, little boxed shop next to the skate park along side of the railway line.
  • blueystar
    17 years ago
    i need help in freo where is the train station,wool shed,scate park,munchies last sunday night was the first time i had been to freo in years
    unless there is some one going from the kelmscott area i can meet up with and tag along to freo
  • blueystar
    17 years ago
    thanks for that 2 beach street
  • alchemist
    17 years ago

    if you want mate, we can meet up at Beeliar drive BP around 30 minutes beforehand ?

  • blueystar
    17 years ago
    ok alchemist see you at the bp 3 30 pm next sunday all going well
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    I'll meet you guy's at the BP as well around 3:30.

  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago
    If it's ok with you's I will come for a ride 2. Will try to meet at Beeliar also.
  • Scorp
    17 years ago
    If the kids ok and I can get away I will meet you at Cpt Mucnchies. (Been to emergency dept 4 times this week so far)

    Might need to refill at Hillarys though. ( bloody small tanks)
  • alchemist
    17 years ago

    yeah no worries Cuzzy would be great to check out your bike!
    Scorp - that would be great mate, sorry to hear about the dramas, hope he's gonna be ok this time around. No worries about the refill <img src=" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif" />

    Hope you blokes don't mind, might invite a mate who occasionally rides with me who lives harleys, he's got an old kwakka gpz550 ....

    I'll most likely be taking the wife (backpack) as well on this run.... would be great if others can try take their partners !

    Anyone else, please feel free to come along, the more the better !!


  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    Sorry guys, am out of town or I'd be in it for sure.
  • OSP1340
    17 years ago
    My god, Captain Munchies. I haven't heard that name since 1993. I loved those burgers.
  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago
    I will bring the wife. She is riding a GV 250 until her ride arrives next month.
  • alchemist
    17 years ago
    Yeah Captain Munchies, is it still called that?

    No worries Cuzzybro - good stuff!
  • JC&S34
    17 years ago
    Yeah. I'll try and catch up with ya's somewhere along the track.
  • Cuzzybro
    17 years ago
    Sorry guys got caught up with the family. Maybe next time.
  • Surly
    17 years ago

    Nice to meet a few more of youl. Good ride and more so when it cooled off.

    Pic from Hamburger Hill.



  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    Thanks for organising Alchemist.... another enjoyable ride albiet with a small interuption in Freo. Couple more pics...

  • Scorp
    17 years ago

    Thanks for the ride all, great route Alchemist.

    Rideing without a rear brake was an experience to get used to.

    I took her to the shop this mornng and have not long got home, yep  the Mastercylinder  had gone belly up. Its a first I have ever seenone look like this  even  the cars I havnt seen this way before. Maybe the Previous owner or repairer used the wrong fluid.

    So much  glue/sludge in it if you are able see


  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    Geezus Scorp !! That looks shithouse.
