Freo Coastal ride - Sunday 11th

  • alchemist
    17 years ago
    Thanks for coming along guys, glad you all enjoyed yourselves... should start doing proper ride reports.. will work on that shortly!
  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    That'll buff right out.

    Any news on the rider at all ?

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    We had just finished watering ourselves at Captain Munchies in Freo and were at the bikes when this 250 went by towards station... suddenly there was a short screech of breaks and the the impact sound. Lady in a Mazda 3 turned right across path of the guy. He impacted at the left headlight area of car.

    Saw the impact and rider come off. Was not pretty (never is) and we just stood there for perhaps 30 seconds thinking not good but the rider moved so that was a better sign. Net result was one shaken lady and the rider being taken off to Freo Hospital for checkup. Only a few custs and possibly lots of bruising. We initially kept him laying where he fell, but as police and ambo's took a while to get there he insisted on getting up so we helped him to the shaded footpath. Had all the gear.. Draggin jeans plus long length jacket and dayglow vest... yup that is right dayglow green vest. He did say that for the short trip he usually just wears shorts. Couldn't give enough praise for the gear he had on.  He thought the car was going to stop. Don't think the car was going very fast and bike was not over the 50 limit. One lucky guy though. Looked worse than the outcome.

  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    Ah yes, know that intersection well! Have had a few close calls there myself (bike & car) it seems that people are blind to anything coming along that road for some reason. Good to know the bloke got up..........mind you the ground would have been bloody scorching the rings off the ants

     Hope to join you all on one of these coffee runs one day!


  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    G'day RT, thanks for askin'.  Yeah, getting along with the shoulder, doing physio & stuff. The shoulder is weak and I made the mistake of going down Mullaloo beach on Monday arvo for a dip......decided to do a little bit of hydrotherapy, mainly 'treading water' and came to realize just how piss-weak my shoulder is Nothing like a bit of pain for a few days to remind you why the physio has to keep beating you up! I only see the physio on friday as I have no income.

     I went to Frasers on Saturday during the HOG intro ride and had a chat with one of the blokes in the workshop, they reckon I should have it back 'soon' Apparently.........or should I say Apparently they had to have a rim made for the bike as they're not available for 96 sportys anymore Sounds suss to me. I can understand parts not being available after a certain amount of time but you'd think they'd have given me a call to tell me this and give me some options of what I could know like "we can either have one made or if you've got a change of rim in mind we can look at those and just get the extra cash off you". I dunno, I'm not in the business but that would seem logical to me as you never know when a bloke is considering some changes to his ride and it usually takes a bingle for people to knuckle down and do some mod's.

    Anyway, enough bitchin', they told me to ring back on Friday if I haven't heard from them as the Rim is meant to arrive today and they'll be putting everything together............why they wait until they've got everything before they start is also beyond me..........but that's just bitching again right?
