To everyone who sent their well wishes to Boof, thank you! To all those who offered us help if we needed it, thank you all so very kindly ... you can't begin to understand what your offer and kind words meant to us, we both really appreciate it!!! You blokes are awesome!!!
I didn't mean to freak anyone out ... I just called it as I saw it at that time!!!
Sorry to hear about this and hope everyone is up riding again soon.
I haven't beenable to find any media reporting about this, does anyone have any news links to this?
Glad everyones alive, speedy recovery
Notice in the news article that they found a way to write in that the riders are members of Satan's Soldiers MC.
The Copper involved is ********Script Removed*********, Has been implicated in knocking a bloke of a motorbike a few years ago - the rider died. He should be sacked, charged & sued after this episode. He brings no glory to the force with these rogue actions, we can do without him