Sydney Newbie!

  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago

    Hey All,

    Just wondering if anyone can provide me any advice on this.

    For my custom build, I would like to get a S&S 96 motor. Does this motor have to be like the EPA certified versions as per S&S website? Or can I essentially buy any and chuck it in.


    Thanks for the advice!



  • walka
    13 years ago
    If your buiting a ICV, It dose not have to be EPA Comp
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago
    Thanks Walka!

    I just have another noobie question, what are some genius/simple methods you guys have used for internal fork stop? i

  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago
    Thanks for that guys,

    So I've recently ordered a S&S 96 motor so my wallet is pretty much empty right now. But just to finish off there rest of my savings, I am about to buy a gearbox(6 speed with kicker/electric start combo). I am just wondering, should I buy the gearbox before I buy the sprocket to determine the offset?? My frame(flyrite high noon) already has a kink in the left side so I'm thinking I dont need any offset on it and I'm also not sure how many teeth it should have?

    Can you guys help me once again?

    Thanks again!
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago

    Thanks for that Wayne!


    48 tooth sprocket with 0 Offset would be the go for this?

  • walka
    13 years ago
    Wayne are those Frames 4 Speed or 5 ?
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the tips guys! I hope to get some pics within the next week or 2!
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago
    PM sent Wayne!
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago

    I thought I'd show everyone where I am in my build(not very far)


    I am almost at rolling except my rear wheel (16x 5.5 60 spoke is difficult to obtain apparently) so I've only managed this so far lol

    Ive been buying goodies steadily and I am just waiting on delivery etc so the ball should start rolling realllllly quickly within the month!

    please ignore the fact that it was constructed in my living room:

  • walka
    13 years ago
    Iv,e got one for you
  • Dannyboy
    13 years ago
    Thanks Walka, I actually ordered mine at Christmas from Ultima when I got my front wheel. Just went around in circles trying to get it in Australia:(
  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago
    So ah, I've just taken delivery of a beautiful set of wingnut axle adjusters from Fab Kevin over in the states. Now what I noticed was the thread on my frame rough while the threads on the bolt are fine cut....

    all the bolts ive found for axle adjusters have been fine cuts,

    Should I now
    A) keep searching for any bolt that fits
    B) get a set of axle adjusting plugs made up for finely cut threads...

    My understanding was for axle adjusters they should be fine cut for easy of adjustment and more accuracy in the thread...did i just get unlucky workmanship on my frame?
  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago
    Yeh, looks like im gonna have tap out a new thread, but not sure how its gonna turn out with the threads already in place, may be an ugly job haha

    I got home ok, after 200km and 3.5 hours of driving ahhaha. i must say given the circumstances, it was actually quite a nice drive!

    I managed to use the sunny day and clean and polish all the goods and it all looks really good. Only thing is I have to change the seals for the bearing and the bushing for the gear lever change because its all ripped and cracked after all the dirt n oil was removed.

    will post up images shortly once the gearbox has been serviced!
  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago
    Tiny update: Bought and paid for rear wheel and a wheel yesterday with VPW and received goods today...GOOD SERVICE(thanks Ian)

    Still waiting on another batch of goods to be delivered from VPW.

    Getting a rear tyre next weekend so it'll be completely rolling!

    12 years ago
    whats the frame u are running?
    looks sick with a springer.

    Going to start a project myself soon once i get a bit of cash together
  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago
    Its a Flyrite High Noon frame.

    If it's your first time doing a project, make sure you do a lot of planning before you purchase anything, it will help heaps.

    I learnt the hard and expensive way when you get things wrong haha
    12 years ago

    i always reserch everything before i buy. With car projects and other stuff in the past.

    Id wanna buy the frame and engine within Aus... That way im sure of what im getting. And always have that point of assitance if i need to ask questions later.
    Then everything else i need from the usa or canada when ive gotta go back there this year sometime.

    Mind you i have lots of stuff at pretty close access with family/friends owning loads of different bikes(harleys and choppers), project bikes and so on. 



  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago
    Ah ok, well there is no longer a Flyrite distributor in Australia now as far as I'm aware,

    Chopaweeza was the man for it before though.
    There are plenty of frames around, Ian from VPW is a guru with these things so he'd be really good to get in touch with.
    12 years ago

    yeh for sure in melbourne in a few weeks so going to drop in and check it out, have a chat etc and see what to go with


  • Dannyboy
    12 years ago

    A bit more progress over the weekend..

    Just waiting to put my transmission plate and gear box in and then i can determine the spacers required for the rear wheel.


    Not shown is brake rotors have been included but cant add the shims yet because I'm not sure of all the spacings.


    Will keep ya'll posted.


    Any feedback is welcome!
