Just put LED indicators on rear was told I need load equalizer or thay would not work .Had them on for 3 days and no problems at all with no load equalizer. Will I have problems later or do you only need it if you do all four indicators. I have LED tri bar tail light as well if thet makes any difference.
I will be replacing my front and rear indicators soon, it seems that i will need a load equalizer when I do so just wondering which brand others here have used.
The badlands one is one that seems common also came accross this one:
anyway i guess i will need 1 for the front pair and 1 for the back pair
07 dyna led on the front only stock rear ,they flasht fast for the 1st few time but now all good, had a on 4 11mths now , i dont use them verry ofter but
I'm running LED rear indicators and no equalizer on my 07 FXSTC for the last 8 months and no problem