Iron Arse Big Smoke to Temora / Barmedman Tractor Pulls????
3rd March 2012
Been wanting to do this for a while and since rugrat number two has hit the six month mark, the leave passes accumulated now need using.
Iron Arse - 450km there and 450km back in the day
Plan to leave Heathcote Macca's 6am, minimal stops, arrive Temora Plane Museum (see below info) 10.30-11am, have alook around some grub and head back around 2pm.
Never done it before and don't know the area so open for alternatives and advice. - and call me soft but if its crap weather I aint doing 1000km on a wet day.
1 day turn around could be in that...
I'm hearin ya both.....................
Kinda of ya there Pigster.
Have been many time to Temora Aircraft Museum, the best aircraft museum in australia if you ask me it very well attended on flying weekends. I have rode there and back on the day but its a long haul overnight stay is the better option but make sure you book as there is limited places to stay in Temora. There is a camping ground right at the museum.
For those thinking of the overnighter (which I might be considering), and something a little different, 30minutes up the road from Temora on the same day is the NSW Twilight Round of Australian Tractor Pull Competition - from 3pm -Camping available
BARMEDMAN TWILIGHT MODIFIED TRACTOR PULL 3RD MARCH 2012 START 4PM THROUGH TILL LATE UNDER LIGHTS *TRADE STALLS *CHILDRENS RIDES *BEST ESKY COMPETITION, SHOW 'N SHINE *BYO SHADE, ALCOHOL & CHAIR. STRICTLY NO GLASS *CATERING AVAILABLE – Food & drink stalls *GRASSED SPECTATOR BANKS *MERCHANDISE STALL – hats, stubbie holders & DVD sales *CAMPING AVAILABLE AT SITE, bookings required see ph. No. *Cost ... FAMILY (2 Adults / 2 children ) ...........$60.00 ADULTS..............................................$25.00 CHILDREN ( 12-16YRS / ADGED PENSIONERS ..$15.00 CHILDREN under 12 free FURTHER INFORMATION General enquires.. Brendan 02 69762003/ Camping..............Peter 02 69762086 (a.h)
Hi mate...that's a nice short ride down the road and back...will be on it if I am not at work....
Looking at FTBOBS planning on ze front page ETA 11am.
Updated - Ride plan link below - Leave Heathcote Macca's 6.30am - enough time after opening to grab a bite
Not sure who is coming, but I'm heading out there anyway (except if mother nature decides otherwise). Forecast is clear so far, I'll update Friday if I'm heading out
Thanks for the info Zyban/Piglet............ Think I'll give up organising rides - last two have been rained out
Well gettin thru the water is no problemo for da fire truck here..............
Pin pulled.
Weather 1
Burra 0
Have a good weekend every one.