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Removal of factory reflectors

  • Deadly
    16 years ago

    ILL-EAGLE = a sick bird

    Ripped em off with me fingers, wipe with Kero (the forgotton cleaner/solvent) come back in 5 minutes, wipe with clean rag and add polish.

    Changed to smoke indicators lenes with yellow bulbs, much more decret when not in use.

    Oh yeh, also got the LED tail/brake light, looks very cool. will change me photo when it stops raining and the bike is sort of clean. Or if it keeps raining I might take some dirty shots and post.

  • czarek
    16 years ago
    Looks good buddy. Nice, clean look
  • Fat-Boy
    16 years ago

    Pulled mine off today with my fingers. Did this very gently and most of the tape came off with the reflctors. Used a bit of metholated spirits to get the gunk off took 5 minutes.

  • Blacklable
    16 years ago
    Hi guys, just reading your comments on removal of the reflectors.....i got mine off with a plastic putty knife and white problems.
    Having said that, does anyone know if they are a requirement in order to get the bike passed through a Queensland Transport Inspection ?

    I'm re-building my bike after a frame change.......and reading your comments made me suddenly think....."Shit, wonder if i need them to go back on for the inspection" ?

    Your comments will be appreciated - even if i do have to put the fuckers back on !!
  • Zapper
    16 years ago
    After reading these posts, mine are coming off too ,the bikes look heaps better with them off.

  • Zapper
    16 years ago
    All off and only the rear reflectors managed to stay intact to be put away and the fronts are resting peacefully in the bottom of the bin. The front and back I used the putty knive that I wrapped with electrical tape and while the front reflectors come off in peaces, the left over tape just rolled off the folks. As for the rear, the tape that stayed on the paint work was a bas$%# to come off. I used a heatgun and warmed up the tape enough to roll off the paint work. A quick wash down and a wax and good to go....

    Top stuff guys my ride is looking the goods.

  • Ozy
    16 years ago

    Have just removed mine with the thin fishing line method.

    Leave your bike in the warm sun and loop some thin fishing line behind it and pull line down the reflector.

    The good gear to clean up the double sided tape is Goof Off, I was a bit sus on it so tried it on the wife’s car first, with no problems.

    It works like magic. Can be brought from Bunning’s.

    I would still use it with care and remove as quickly as poss.

    It is great for removing old rego stickers of car windscreens.




    Makes the bike look shit loads better.

  • aussiebulldog
    16 years ago
    Removed mine of the Rocker c with a heat gun as the rear reflectors are on the paint of swing arm was worried it may scratch .Heat gun works great and takes just minutes and then just clean with WD40
  • Deadly
    16 years ago
    I can't belive this thread has been going since 9/07 with out some one running a poll on the subject???
    Tip - Prepsol is a paint stipper, Eucalipis oil is an acid and most cleaning products are salt based.
    Kero - the forgoten cleaner, known to be good to/for paint, rubber, leather and amazing on stainless, chrome and other hard surfaces.
    Used it for years in the (vehicle) body build and repair trade for just this type of thing. Follow any of the previous posts (exept the stanley knife post) with Kero and you cant go wrong. Also 'paint' it on your engine, leave for 2 beers and hose off as the starter be fore you wash your bike. Good on brake dust to but be sure NOT to leave it on your tyres forever, best to hose off right away or it may get real fun next time you ride in the rain.
  • Jake
    16 years ago

    Seems to be snowballing this thread,something has been started i ripped mine off this afternoon after a quick ride to dromana ......cheers Jake


  • Bobtail
    16 years ago

    This has gotta be the longest and simplest thread to date,  the removal of the reflectors was the first mod I did on me bike two and a half years ago, fishingline and DW40.......


  • mud guts
    mud guts
    16 years ago


    I use fishing line to get the reflector off, and eucaliptus oil to get the glue off. Works a treat.


  • Davo2310
    16 years ago
    I removed my fork ones as an order from Bano, fishing line worked a treat, went with the kero for clean up, schmicko, didnt have rear ones as they probably wouldnt stick em to denim paint.
  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    16 years ago
    Didnt have rear ones? Hmmmm i wonder how HD gets that through the ADRs
    16 years ago
    I just bought an 09 Denim Black NT and it had reflectors on the rear, they came off very easy though from the denim paint.
  • bluerocka
    15 years ago
    I recently removed mine from my 09 Rocker C, front and rear. They came of without too much trouble by simply twisting in a clock wise motion, the small amount of residual simply polished off.......makes a geat difference..
  • Jimmy Jazz
    Jimmy Jazz
    15 years ago

    Sprayed WD40 around the fork reflectors at night, Next morning used 50lb braid fishing line behind the reflector, gave it a yank downwards and off they came. Just picked the remains of the tape off with my fingers, took about 1 minute. NO PROBS with this method. No chance of doing any damage to the paint

  • h-d cam god
    h-d cam god
    15 years ago

    Hey boss try using some fishing line then use petrol to clean the left over tape off.

  • Thomo_Baca
    15 years ago
    So let me get this right, legally, only the rear red reflector has to be on the bike, the side orange ones do not have to be there at all?
  • Jimmy Jazz
    Jimmy Jazz
    15 years ago

    I suppose you don't need the front ones, but I kept mine just in case I do need them for a roadworthy. Those fork reflectors look garney. Makes a cool bike look like a fucking cheap ass xmas tree from Big W 
