Kalgoorlie/Goldfields Scuttlebut

  • rider
    13 years ago


    Must be that most members out this way tend to be lone riders like myself due to location and time restraints, so haven't seen much scuttlebut or shit shooting from this neck of the woods.

    Well, seeing as the weather has put a stop to any out doors activities for a few days, thought I'd start a thread for anyone to throw their thoughts, ideas, scuttlebut, or just plain old shoot the shit in.

    I work long hours mostly seven days a week so unless I can arrange an escape,  I generally ride at night after work, or I can occaissionally scrounge a couple of hours when things sometimes go quiet during the day.

    Was hoping to get a few miles up this week but these thunderstorms have put the kybosh on any chance of that.

    Just got back home and came through a few creeks that were running a couple feet deep. Dog's hiding under the desk and the driveway's a quagmire.

    Puter work for the rest of the arvo me thinks.

    So when things dry out and if any of yas want somewhere to ride to out of Kal any time, I'm usually at the Kookynie Pub and always happy to shoot the shit with any rider that rocks up.

    Give me a buzz before ya do though to make sure I'll be here, and ya never know, if time is right might be able to go for a blast with ya.


    P.S. and any of that shit goes for all and sundry,

    I'm 800 K's out of Perth, 1600 KM round trip just happens to be the perfect run-in to first service for anyone that wants to make a good job of it with an overnighter in between. 

  • rider
    13 years ago


     Yep, heady days them, not much has changed out here since then apart from a huge bonus for the likes of me and a few of the boys that used to tackle the dirt,,,, the townsite and main road in from the highway has all been sealed as of about January this year.

    The road into Niagara Dam has even been done.

    Haven't seen many Kiwi's here since the Pastoral Stations have been destocked of woolies, but know ya let the cat out of the bag about the goats it might attract the attention of certain folk from  Eastern parts, (not mentioning any names of course)

    Cheers Quack, hope all ya memories of Kookynie are good ones, although, I understand if some are a bit hazey. 

  • stumbly1
    13 years ago
    G'day Rider,
    Went for a ride with heres ricky a few months ago, think he's a mate of yours. Any way, he was going to try and set up a forum ride to kookynie when the weather gets better.
    Haven't heard much from him lately - so if your reading this Rick, might be a good time to start throwing the idea around again?
    Enjoy that red goldfields mud mate, hope to see you out there one day soon.
  • rider
    13 years ago

     Cheers stumbly, ya more than welcome anytime mate.

    Was yakkin to Rick the other day and he mentioned that he's fangin to do a run up this way soon.

    Like everyone, trying to get the time between work and the other evil neccessities of life, sometimes ya just gotta make time to enjoy the finer things.

    Two days is pushing it a bit for this run, three days is OK and four or more is way cool.

    Day one; Perth to Kalgoorlie, 600 klicks, mabe catch up with a few members in Kal?

    Day two; Kalgoorlie to Kookynie, 200 klicks

    Day three; Head for home,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe, what ever.

  • rider
    13 years ago


     +1 stumbly, your onto it.

  • rider
    13 years ago


    Ricky won't be able to see his puta tonight cause his eyes popped out and hit the windscreen in his truck earlier today.

    All you blokes in Kal should keep an eye out for a certain little lady dressed,,, well half dressed in the same colour pink as her ride is painted, seen riding towards Kal enjoying the fine weather on her ride,,, with no top on. Sounds like she may have had next to nothin on under the pink chaps as well, so would be well worth the chance of meeting up on the road me thinks.

    Ricky was headed back towards Perth and eyeballed a few hundred riders headed East,  gotta be the return traffic from the HOG Rally over the weekend. Think it was giving him the shits watching all the action while his trusty steed was at home waiting patiently for his return.

    Anyways, don't know if he got home cause last I heard from him was, " I gotto go, trafics gettin heavy,,, arh fuck, the gearbox just shit itself"

    So reckon there'll probably be a few keen riders cruisin through Kal over the next few days, could be some good folk to catch up to and plenty of good yarns ta listen to.


  • rider
    13 years ago


    I'm leaving home around 3:00 PM Sunday headed for the big smoke, (Perth)

    Re fuel at BP Kalgoorlie, (5:30 PM ?) and gunna try catch up with Infidel on the way if he's about.

    Anyone going the same way give me a yell if ya want to hook up for part or all of the ride.

    Kal Max Sunday 36 C, SSE wind 30 knts, possible thunderstorms 

    And why not, drop into the Broadie on the way. 

  • rider
    13 years ago


    I'm leaving home around 3:00 PM Sunday headed for the big smoke, (Perth)

    Re fuel at BP Kalgoorlie, (5:30 PM ?) and gunna try catch up with Infidel on the way if he's about.

    Anyone going the same way give me a yell if ya want to hook up for part or all of the ride.

    ( gotta be in Perth for 8:00 AM Monday )

    Kal Max Sunday 36 C, SSE wind 30 knts, possible thunderstorms 

    And why not, drop into the Broadie on the way. 

  • grahamjb
    13 years ago
    I am planning a ride with some mates from Perth and last visited the Kookynie Pub about three years ago - my question is do they have accomodation? Its probably going to be a three day ride for us guys so a decent bed does help.

  • rider
    13 years ago


    Yes, accommodation is available, rooms, camping/swags etc are catered for as well.


    I'll PM you a contact number.

  • grahamjb
    13 years ago
    Thanks Mate, got your PM
  • Robbo68
    12 years ago
    Hi, are you boys based in Kalgorlie? I have just bought a Softail standard and live in Kal, I would like to catch up and go for a ride?
  • Robbo68
    12 years ago
    Hi Rider, that would be good to catch up. I head up to murrin every Wednesday, are you at kookynie?
  • Roosta
    12 years ago
    Might have to take you up on the offer there rider
    I will hopefully be picking the new Deluxe end of June Start of July, Frasers advised left USA last month, so fingers crossed, its sitting in Melbourne or on it's way to Perth as we speak.
    Would be the ideal run in to first service ride like you suggest.
    Will keep this post in mind when I get the bike.
    I'm FI-FO so will PM dates or just post them here, not fussed.
    Hopefully the weather will be on our side.
    Worked out in Kambalda for 4 years and used to hit the sites and sounds of Kal when we had time to. 2005 >
    Haven't been to Kal for some years now, so it's sounding like a good deal.

  • rider
    12 years ago


    No Probs Roosta, 1600 KM round trip is the perfect ride to run a new machine in.


    All the things ya need here tool wise etc, etc for the half way check-up.


    Mornings and nights have been a wee tad chilly, but the days have been sunny and around the 20's.


    Grats on the new Machine Mate, There'll be a coldie or two waiting for  ya if ya rock up.


  • brad65
    12 years ago
    I would be keen on a ride to Southern cross and back anyone interested in a couple of weeks
  • rider
    12 years ago


    Not sure I could do that one if it be on a weekend, work. 


    But throw a PM at Infidel, he's a good man and likes a run, few of his cobbers would also be keen me thinks.

  • Roosta
    12 years ago

    Will let you know mate.

    Might be able to tie in with the run to Southern Cross and I'll keep going through to Kal.

  • rider
    12 years ago


    Now that sounds like a good idea.

  • rider
    12 years ago


    That all sounds great Infidel, happy to hear the move went well.


    You're right, plenty of good roads for little blasts down that way, ya could spend a lifetime checking out all those twisties that make their way over and through the foothills. One of my favourites is the run up to York. I've got a couple of mates that live there so whenever i go to Perth I normally drop in on the way, turn off at Merridin and go via the old consessional trucking route through Bruce Rock and Quairading into the back side of York.

    Arh!   and not forgetting those summer days and nights when it warms up a little,,, perfect for a putt up or down the West Coast Highway along the coast.

    Be a while before I get back down that way due to normal and extra caricular shit happening up this way, but will give you a bell when next there.


    Enjoy Mate, keep an eye out for those crazy cagers and them sneaky noise level testers lurking around the burbs.
