Heyaoll....to change the grips on the o8 King will it be the same as any other bike without the thicker bars and the fly by wire?????Thought i better ask if there were anythings to lookout for before I start for once...Also I guess its just a case of cut the stock grips off and glue the new ones on yes? Ive heard everything from hairspray to superglue to fix them on but I have no idea what to use....Appears to be a simple job but the FBW worried me a little./..
All help appreciated guys..
Ta yoall
Hey Hooda
cant help with the FBW, however have used this method for thirty years.
Swish a small amount of petrol around the inside of the new grip. Empty it out and fit the grip. As the petrol dissolves and evaporates you have time to set the grip exactly right.
Never failed me
Good luck
Ronster (Jesus, that's nearly 40 years now)