Weather is lookin good for the late evening run...
I am leaving the Inner West around 5.15pm.
Heading straight over the Harbour Bridge and up the Pacific Highway to Berowra.
If I call JJ's they will stay open later, they have done it before when its just been me and the mrs. Looks like we have a split camp boys, Fish & Chips or bar food.
Hey Scar, don't tell em too much about the red head. They will be sniffing around your area lookin for her.
Fer the rest of yas..........Back Off she's taken
Well, weathers looking v. promising, the roads are good, F&C shop staying open until 8pm and a pub just across the road. What more do you need on a friday evening! See you there
Ye Adderman,
Weather is lookin dandy.
If the big smoke traffic allows me - catch you at the 7 / 11.
Otherwise, I will run direct up the highway to Brooklyn.
Seeing as i am a Fat Farker i better make my way down to the health food fish & chip shop.
I will get there before that BIG fat farker Burra eats everything,,,, ha-ha
See ya -all there..
Just to give you a heads up that the Polizie tend to hang around the Pacific Highway on fridays. This is due to groups of our sensible rice burner friends using it as a race track from time to time
What about Smokeweazel
Pics about to be loaded up (11.30pm) under the Members Picture Thread.
Hey sr09,
Sorry to hear ya missus lost her job.
Cant blame ya for going into a bit of a tail spin.
Tell ya missus good luck in searching for another job.