Police call for e-tags to catch speeding bikies

  • Deadwood
    13 years ago
    • From: Herald Sun
    • October 18, 2011 12:00AM

    POLICE want electronic transponders fitted to the front of motorcycles to help slash the number of speeding riders.

    Police impounded 113 bikes in the year to September for excessive speed.

    Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Kieran Walshe told a parliamentary inquiry into motorcycle safety yesterday that e-tags could be used to identify bikers thumbing their noses at speed cameras.

    Of the 19,131 motorcycles snapped by speed cameras last year, the Traffic Camera Office could issue fines to just 49 per cent because the rider or machine could not be identified.

    Mr Walshe said the average speed of throttle-happy bikies was 13.27km over the limit, with the fastest snapped at 148km/h.

    He said many riders felt safe ignoring speed cameras, believing there was no way to identify a bike's owner from the front.

    "We are finding we have a number of occasions where motorcycles are exceeding the speed limit," he said.

    "Our photography even shows motorcyclists covering the rear registration plate with their boot.

    "It's a level of irresponsible user behaviour."

    Mr Walshe said electronic transponder technology could be one solution to counter the lack of "forward facing identification" such as a number plate.

    "It doesn't necessarily have to be a registration plate (fitted to the front)," he said.

    A Transport Accident Commission survey revealed 34 per cent of motorcyclists believed there was a low, or no, risk associated with speeding.

    However, the e-tag proposal drew a scathing response from motorcycle groups.

    Independent Riders Group spokesman Damien Codognotto said he would oppose any measure that singled out motorcyclists and not other road users.

    "This is all very Big Brother like," he said.

    "Moves toward having an electronic I.D. on motorbikes is all about police intelligence gathering and has nothing to do with road safety."

    The debate comes as VicRoads statistics cited at the inquiry revealed while motorcyclists comprised just 1 per cent of traffic volume and 4 per cent of registered vehicles, riders account for 14 per cent of the road toll.



  • SoftailSteve
    13 years ago
    #uck that
  • Dicey
    13 years ago
    POLICE want electronic transponders fitted to the front of motorcycles to help slash the number of speeding riders.

    Dont they mean help increase fines of speeding riders?? They dont want to slash the number of speeding riders or drivers...where would they get their money from if no one was speeding?

    Simpler solution would be to speed limit all vehicles...but there's no money in that :)
  • Humbug
    13 years ago
    You are already trackable while you have data and location services turned on,on your phone. This is just revenue raising, nothing more. Oh and a hatred of motocyclists by people who do not ride.
  • Rocky2010
    13 years ago

    Always trying to suck us dry of our hard earned cash.

  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    No one is sticking a chip in me
  • JD
    13 years ago
    If the riders didnt speed through cameras this wouldnt be a problem. I slow down at them because I dont want them to frount plate us or trackers but you get alot of smart arse that dont think and go fuck it they cant tell who it is,
    so for once how about we place the blame for this where it belongs the dumb fucks who dont put their brain in gear and thing about what they are doing.
  • Hound_Dog
    13 years ago
    Remember when we used to bag the Commies for their lack of freedom?
  • jacks
    13 years ago
    Listening to the Prof. on 3AW the other morning, although greed DOES enter into the equasion, it is primarily about tracking the so called "gangs" which gives credence to the recent "taking of number plates" at the Ulans charity run...to quote "each time you pass a so called safety camera. a photo is sent to a central data point"... I wonder why???....big brother perhaps!!!
  • jacks
    13 years ago

    I BLOODY HOPE NOT......shiiittt Fan ....enough with the jokes...please....

  • 48fan
    13 years ago
  • andij
    13 years ago
    in the stats you can bet ,scooters and off road bikes are included
  • Isaac
    13 years ago


    If they're gonna install transponders it has to be for ALL road users. How's about tagging the 86% NOT on bikes?! And 13kph is the average 'over the speed limit' for speeding bikes? Jeez, that's not too bad.

    And please Big Brother, what's the average speeding stat for the other 86%?

    Me thinks it would be about the same or higher.

    And I can't see them checking ya phone records for speeding issues! That triangulation thing between phone towers is done when they wanna solve an occasional murder / dispute an alibi. Speeding tix are in the thousands daily so I wouldn't sweat that one.

  • Cisco
    13 years ago
    Easy fix, digital jammer, takes 30min to make and costs $50, Vic police ya just are'nt good enough.
  • Darren
    13 years ago

    If you're going to use a jammer to jam your own signals, then a cheaper way would be to remove your phone battery and sim card while you ride then re-assemble at your destination?


  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    and then theres this lol

    I thought it is a federal offense to mess with the police digital signals ?so I dont know why these are advertised as for use in Aus
  • Unstentymp
    8 years ago

    You can try to install the (link removed by admin) in the corner. It's easy to capture everyone who is speeding.

  • JFE
    8 years ago
    ...I may be too paranoid but I'm not keen to follow a live link from some unknown who resurrects a thread that has been quiet for five years.

  • spacewolf
    8 years ago
    I was going to point out the necro, but left it alone.