I have a 2011 hard bagger, the bike is fantastic but I am not happy with the suspension at all. After doing heaps of research on the net it seems all i can find is putting progressive's (possibly 440's) on her. Is progressives the ONLY decent shock out there or is there others that are better? I need to upgrade both the front and rears. I ride mostly one up all week but two up on the weekends. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers guys,
Appreciate all your input. This forum is cool. This beats the hell out of the "trial & error" option.
All the best
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For what it is worth, I like the Air Shocks... Reason? I can run lower air on solo, and add more air to firm things up for two up. It is a simple little hand pump operation with a guage. Out new Touring frame since 09, in my opinion anyway, has made the air suspension come into its own. There are even people adding air pumps and guages to shift the suspension on the fly to suit road conditions. While I have not done that, I do feel the air suspension is the best I have felt in 40 years of HD with this new frame...
Just a thought, before you go out and try fancy shocks, from memory your Road King has the adjustable air doesn't it? You might just have a play with this new touring frame and vary the air shocks pressure to suit. Just do not do it with a compressor or you BLOW the shocks. It has to be done in small amounts with the hand pump, as it is a very low volume system. Look, on an older bike, I would agree with the fancy shocks on so on, but with the new Touring frame 09 and up? I like the air shocks for varied ride myself..
Regards, Cowboy
I have a set of Arnottsair shocks on my 07 FLHX, I have found them great you can change the pressure to what suit you with just the press of the button. I use my bike everday, & when the wife get's on the back its so easy to pump a little more air in.
I got mine a few yrs ago now & it was just over $1000. There are a few different type of systems out there. Legend at the top end & arnotts middle of the road. It might be a good idea to have look around and ask mnore question. But I think the arnotts are great but other people don't like them.
The front end is still the same haven't needed to change it, the only other things I did was but a true track & lowed the back end.