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Which Harley???

  • vladt
    17 years ago

    Howdy All,

    Having ridden Jap sports bikes for the past 10 years I have recently sampled my friend's Sportster 1200 Custom.
    To say that I am "hooked" would be a gross understatement.  To me this is what bikes are all about: Sound of a big twin, feeling of a freedom. etc. (I won't bother you anymore with my motorycle zen...). A day later I began my quest to find the answer to only one question that has been on my mind for the past month: "Which Harley do I get???)

    Over the past month I have been to various Harley shops and looked at many different models. While I managed to narrow down my list to a several models I am yet to choose the "right one". ( I am looking at 2007-2008 models)

    In Softails I have tried: Fat Boy and Softail Custom. I loved them both, but Fat Boy feels very heavy on the front and I am worried about how nimble would it be through tighter corners. I also don't like the riding boards on the Fat Boy and much prefer the forward mounted controls.

    I was also told by numerous people that Softails are much smoother than Dynas. Apparently Dynas handle much better and provide much better feel of the "v-twin" power.   In Dyna's I like the Superglide Custom and Street Bob.

    To summ up I have several questions:

    1. Does Dyna handle much better than Softails?
    2. Having an unbalanced engine, does Dyna v-twin feels much rougher than the Softail?

    How did you guys/girls make your first choice?
    Any info/recommendations would be greately appreciated.


  • GREG
    17 years ago
    I'd say ride them both, and go with what you like most.
  • boofhead
    17 years ago
    Congratulations Vladt, you are the first poster of the "Which bike should I buy" question on this forum. It's a question most of us have asked at some point.

    I ride a Dyna and I love it and I went through the same process you did two years ago.

    Yes the dyna's will probably handle a little better off the floor than the softails, but lets be honest, if you are riding hard enough to reach the limitations of handling often then these Harley are probably a bad choice, a street rod would be better again from that perspective, or a sports bike.

    Do you ever want to carry a pillion passenger ? Niether of the Dyna's you mention will off the floor (Both can be modified with HD parts) to do so. the Superglide Custom will though, as will the softail from memory.

    The Dyna does shake a bit at idle but I really like that. It reminds me what I'm riding.

    As you will probaly hear from others, it really comes down to what bike does it for ya. Have a browse at some shops and on line and go with your gut feel.

    Good luck

  • Gudge
    17 years ago
    Go the Dyna out of the two mate....just my opinion...
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    as others have said... take the ones that take your fancy for a ride. I went with Dyna Street Bob... offered me the most flexibility and I liked the retro look with the Pewter Denim. I'm not after all things chrome and I like something different. (i.e not many FXDB's around) and it fitted my budget.

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Since you mentioned that you got hooked on your friend's 1200c have you tried the Nightster?
  • vladt
    17 years ago

    Thanks for all your advice, opinions and recommendations guys. Much appreciated and please keep'em coming.

    The type of riding I prefer would mostly be a day-long weekend trips down our famous coast roads (plenty to choose from here in Melbourne). While handling is important to me, I have no illusions that I am not buying another "R1" here.. and in fact I am not interested in "knee scraping around corners" .  Yesterday I went to Harley Heaven here in Melbourne for a HD 2008 model line-up launch. Saw quite a few bikes up close and personal. 
    So far, the Superglide Custom really appeals to me. It just feels "right" when I sit on it. Compared to the FAT Boy it jus feels more nimble.  I also saw the new FAT Bob which , to be honest, didn't do anything for me. 
    Right now I am down to either Superglide Custom or Street Bob or a Softail Fat Boy. 

    Last saturday, I saw a heavily customised Street Bob being picked up from Harley Heaven by the customer. The bike completely mesmerized me. It was "almost" rocking from side to side just at idle. Absolutely loved it, at least up until the sales man told me that the customer spent an extra 15k customising it. I have now arranged for a day off work to test ride everything on my short list. Lets hope that this would be enough for me to finally choose my own Harley. 

    On more personal note, choosing from a Harley model line-up has proven more difficult then I initially anticipated. Every model has details which are particularly desirable. If only I could, I'd have one from Dyna series and one from Softail. oh and to top it all off, I'd love Superglide Screaming Eagle (CVO) which I saw at Harley Heaven on display. (only 50k mind you.....)


    btw, Sportster - Certainly like the bike but who can go past the 1500CC v-twin offered with dyna's and softails.


  • kensim
    17 years ago
    ive owned a softail, 1200custom sporty and now a dyna low-rider.have a look at the low-rider its the go!
  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    vladt. Just my 2 bobs worth, i went through the same shit your doing now. I really liked the Deluxe or heritage, however the Dyna fit my bum just right so to speak. Harley City in Brunswick is another great dealer. Enjoy and good luck.
  • nobody
    17 years ago

    Don't just ride the 2 bikes you think you like,ride the whole line up if you can,some models might surprise you !!!!!

    As far as not being able to go past the 1500cc motors,well it is actually a lot closer to 1600cc.But you will find that on the road that the sportster is still a quicker bike,better power/weight.The Fat Boy may feel a little heavy when you sit on it,but when you ride it,it feels much lighter,that is why they are marketed as boulevarde cruisers,as they are easy to ride around town.And on long day trips or longer,nothing comes close to a bagger,and I know a few that will go around corners with the best of them



  • vladt
    17 years ago

    I've got two demo rides booked in for this Saturday. Street Bob (close enough to Superglide Custom) and Fat Boy. So far I am more inclined towards Superglide Custom but Fat Boy might surprise me. Will let you all know how I go.

  • Mungrel
    17 years ago

    Vladt, don't listen to all these WA dyna poofs in here mate, they are all on drugs over there. Softails are great but they just won't admit it ! ...  Just shit stiring.

    HD's are the best, it's just which one is best for you, and only you can answer that.  Savor the process. It's one of life's great pleasures.

  • Bobtail
    17 years ago
    Hi Vladt,
    The first part of your quest is already on the right track, you are getting a Harley.............
    I own a 07 Softail standard, it took me a lot of flipping and flopping after reading many brochures and asking lots of questions. The American HD site is good for general info and doing comparisons of different models etc. In the end I ended up with what I now have, which was the very first choice I made, and am as happy as a pig in shit with it.
    Go with your gut feeling and enjoy the ride.
  • vladt
    17 years ago

    Hi Bobtail,

    I have also decided to with a Softail. However so far on the short list are: Rocker C (if it ever comes downunder), Fat Boy and Softail Custom. I am riding them all this weekend which should hopefully help me decided.


  • Peter
    17 years ago

    I didn't have a problem choosing mine,saw the bike I wanted 20 or so  years ago and just went to the dealer and bought it 20 years later ! Never changed my mind during that time and I have never even thought about whether I should have bought something different. Just buy the one you like to look at and make it work for you!! None of this means I would not buy a different Harley, but I just think you can buy so many parts for a HOG that you should be able to turn the model you like into whatever you want. I have seen a sportster turned into a pretty good 2up touring bike,so whats to worry about??

    17 years ago

    personly i love my dyna STREET BOB

    i dont miss the crapy handling of the soft tails [ NIGHT TRAIN ] , and i do appriciate the amount of work u guys with softys do put in  when racing in the hills

    but i do miss the lenth of the soft tails a little at 1st ,

    if ur 6ft u will notice that,

    the soft tail will always hold its $ a lot better than a dyna

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    I wanted something a little all round, bit of a retro look, not a lot of chrome etc etc... liked the night train for all but handling but dollars were too much and liked the way I could throw the bob around in traffic. At 6'3 I am keen to put extended forward controls on the bob and am also aware I may loose a little of the handling.

    17 years ago

    im 6 3" and 135kg they recon i look like an elefant on my bob mids is the main reason i bought it,

    17 years ago

     think cause me back rooted its just comfy 4 me

  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    17 years ago

    I think that if this is your 1st Harley then buy a Dyna, you may think that you are ready to give up the knee dragging shit but the 1st time you decide that you still want to have a play the Softail will leave you disappointed. The ground clearance, bigger front wheel diameter and the shorter rake on a Dyna allows you to get around corners a whole lot faster than on a Softail. Softails are great if you like the sound of metal dragging on the ground when the corners get tight especially if you are a big bloke.
