Online: Hilly, pat

Importing Harley's from USA

  • jacks
    12 years ago

    G'day Coxy,

    I'm glad you decided to go down this path, I don't believe that you can go wrong using Wayne (Chopaweeza) as he is one of the rare individuals that puts the client's interests right up front.....

    I naturally speak from experience, as my association with Wayne was very professional indeed..(Wayne, I'll send bank details for my bribe)....what was claimed, happened and I shall certainly use his services again.....

    I now have my CVO Streetglide and spent 2 days travelling to Brisvegas, 2 days there (mates birthday) and 2 days coming home in the rain....Friggin awful..bloody Northern NSW with the miles and miles of double bloody lines....I got a bit pissed off following a caravan along with 30 other trucks and cars that when a 5k dual lane came up I blew past the lot of the barstards at the cost of a $417.00 speeding fine.... the NSW Copper pricks...then had to pass them ALL again....SHIT...such is life.....The point is that this was and is a sensational run on a VERY comfortable bike made possible through my association with Chopaweeza Enterprises and believe me Boys and Girls, everything I do seems to be so bloody complicated....I can identify with Murphy's Law.....

    Enjoy the States on your own bike Coxy and Co......Choppa will do all your paperwork and sort problems.....

  • Burnzi
    12 years ago

    Very nice Killer, now ride the I need to tell ya.hahahahaha

  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago

    I watched the ship on the live tracker pull out of Melbourne yesterday, then it headed around on the straight run and suddenly "moored"  at sea - which is supposed to mean stopped. Engine problem maybe...or the tracker. I just checked and its close to Sydney now <img src=" src="/DesktopModules/NTForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif" />

  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Yeah i'm with kilerchef' i,ve been doin back flips since chopa said it's gunna dock a couple of days ago.Chopa U R A F$%KIN LEGEND..Yeah that's right i'm yelling it out... wahoooooooooo!!!! :)
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago

    I was watching the ship do circles last night (presumably waiting for other vessels - or maybe it has a problem?) but now the "live" update maps show it as "not under command" (meaning boat isn't operational?) off the coast of Sydney? I can swim out and get the container - just say the word.

  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    Gah, why would anyone pay for these live trackers if they don't even work? It seemed to show it docking in Melbourne just fine, but must have messed up Sydney :(
  • hquick
    12 years ago
    I was working down at the docks Thursday and we had a container crane break down for about 8hrs. Wonder if that caused the delay.....sorry guys. :-)
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    My wife suggested I drink more booze and take up smoking again (joking) until the bike arrives - she says the only way to fight one addiction is with another.
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    I can't wait. Thanks to a generous donation to the "will this shut you up for awhile?" fund I now have forward controls to put on - special thanks to Harley Heaven for the good prices.

    I also have several mates trying to talk me into painting the primary black (damn 09 models) which I can't say hasn't crossed my mind, but its not something I care about when I have the no ride jitters. And apart from putting on the new pipes and baffles (which I hope were in there) I'm not touching anything that doesn't need touching....just ride ride ride ride ride... I'll have to keep in the back of my mind how much I need my licence...

    All that will wait too though...I'm going to hug it when it gets here, then ride up and down the driveway screaming whoo hoo, yehhhhhhhh hah! :)

  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Talk about teasing I may need a defib on hand wen mine turns up :)
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    I want photos - from every angle, including underneath and hovering above. I want 50 or so with a nudie girl or six on it, and one with a puppy in front of it licking up a melted icecream. I want one where an angry monkey is fighting a clown over a kebab and one where the bike is looking moody. etc etc. You know, the usual.
  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    X2 on everything bonkerz just said, it's like he read my mind!!!!except for the moody bit,only gotta look at the ex for that!!TEASE away Chopa
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    Mines perfect for me - stock (for now) and denim with the witches nose tail light (or Wizards dick I was told its sometimes called). I always wanted a streetbob and I'm stoked. Coopsta's is a thing of beauty - I just want to blend in since I'm really anti-social :P
  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    kid in a candy shop now!!it's realy starting to feel real now,i'm so excited it's not funny...Thanx bonkerz it is a thing of beauty,i thought if i'm gunna do it i'm gunna go BLING!!....Look like a huge job to unpack that lot chopa..u are the Master!!!!
  • Soapbox2627
    12 years ago
    piss off you bastards

    I am looking at these pics getting excited with the whole it's here shit

    I don't even have a bike coming, what the hell is wrong with me, were do I send my man card??
  • TJU
    12 years ago
    Lucky Buggers ... good on ya`s ... hey Chopa , do you have to do all the crating up inside the container when you are over there or do the guys you hire over there do it for you ... you really put in the hard and long miles for your clients / customers / friends dont ya ... now when were off again to the old US of A .
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    No biggie. I'd rather have the real thing (bike puppy and stripper) :)
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    I should get the bike mid-next week. Then it's just a RWC and rego and insurance...*gag* Then add on all the pieces I bought.
  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Yeah that was the best phone call i've had in a while when Chopa rang Mondy arvo & told me it was ready to ship down to me.Now it's gunna be a long week, i'm tipping not much sleep i'm like an expecting father.Once again Well done Chopa ur the Man!!
  • Retroman
    12 years ago
    Bringing in a CVO Breakout

    PROBLEM 1) Firstly it's not (yet ) on the "Approved" list

    PROBLEM 2)Secondly US dealers will not sell you one.

    There's a shitfight going on right now in the US about franchised dealers selling bikes " for export " as apparently that's " Achtung Verobten".

    At least 2 dealers have had their franchises terminated for selling bikes to "exporters". One had sold in the hundreds apparently.

    Not to Australia necessarily, but other places around the world. Jordan was one specific country mentioned. Apparently the dealer chain in Jordan Put the mockers on it bigtime. ACHMED WAS TRYING TO PULL A SWIFTY - NOT NO MORE !!

    You have to have a US driving licence and a US home address apparently to which the bike will be registered.

    Buying a "used" one . Good luck with that, one dealer told me it will " be years" before they are on the 2nd hand market . They did offer me a CVO Heritage with 300 miles that they had in stock. ( Pig dog ugly fucking things I think !!). That would not have incurred the wrath of the MOCO apparently as it was more than one model year old.

    Having a rellie in the US seems to be the only way thru' the shitstorm I fear , and who's got one of those ??