Importing Harley's from USA

  • Chappers
    12 years ago
    Vicroads require a VASS from 1975 - 1989
  • allde
    12 years ago

    Chopaweeza, Would it be worthwhile to import a written off Standard Factory Harley, eg Flooded for example, and apart from pulling the whole bike apart, parts etc, how hard would it be to get compliance on the road in Oz?

  • allde
    12 years ago

    Oh well, thought it might have been viable

    Thanks for the quick response Chopaweeza.

  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Hi Choppa just wondering do u do the whole thing as in find,buy,import & comply for clients or do they have to b uy the bike first.I was interested in going down the import track but i don,t realy want to do any of the hard work,(call me lazy if u want)but i,d rather someone experienced to do the whole proceedure.i just want the "come pick up yor bike" phone call.i know it would cost more but still be cheaper than me f#$ken' things up?
  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Thanx chopa PM sent
  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    ur onto it chopa they r just trying to addvert. thier monkey driven window business!!
  • hquick
    12 years ago
    Just received the bike's ready to pick up.
    Just have to wait until next weekend and I'll make the drive to Taree to collect it.
  • panhead_pete
    12 years ago
    I had a dealer claim he posted me the title but when pressed could not provide the address it was sent to...... Its taken 3 months for a replacement title. Lucky my shipper has been very good to work with and I havent been slapped with a storage fee.
  • markkoby
    12 years ago

    What is envolved when importing a stock 1970 harley shovelhead?

  • Stavie
    12 years ago

    I know its a late reply, but here goes for anyone thats interested.

    i was going to import myself but the hassle and the expense got the better of me, the quarantine process and getting it all up and running can be a headache as this has to be all prepared before your bike leaves the states otherwaise the wait to get it on the road is lengthened. anyway i have recently purchased an import, from a shop in sydney (Gasoline PTY LTD) they have their own website and they have some great bikes for sale. if they dont have what you want on the floor, they can get it for you, they do all the importing, quarantine, cleaning, ADR rulling and reg the bike so all you have to do is ride it away. and their bikes are reasonably priced. it is worth going to have a look at the bikes, and they build some great custom jobs as well.

    i think going this way sames time, and less headaches. and still pay less for the bike, i just paid 22k 07 Fatboy with pipes, bars, arlen ness grips, 200 rear, new tyres, 6 months reg, 12 months warranty on all mech parts, it has perform chip and hi flo airfilter, nice paint no blemishes. and rides great.

  • jacks
    12 years ago
    Good on you Stavie,
    I sincerely hope that you are happy with your purchase and that Gasoline do well, but I recently sold my '08 Heritage for just $19,000 with around AU$10,000 spent on extras, yeah it had heaps of K's but in showroom condition, still I guess dealers need to make profits, and so I then purchased my Street Glide in the US, it's now in Sydney via Chopaweeza and I have saved heaps.
    Your post prompted me to quickly look on e-bay USA, where the average price for Fat Boy's are around US$12,000... eg. '08 Fat Boy with 7702 miles, buy now for US$12650...'08 Fat Boy with 3000 miles for US$10500, so the savings by importing yourself are substantial...both of the bikes mentioned have many extras and are there for anyone to see.
    Chopaweeza's have made every step of importing so easy, as he advises at every step, and I believe his fees are generous in my experience, but each to their own. This is not to knock your post Stavie and to go this route one needs patience (very hard for me being an impatient prick) but there are lots of savings here....
  • ThePhantom
    12 years ago
    Mate Happy with any pics to show how they arrive,

    we know the process has taken a while but it has been painless.

  • jacks
    12 years ago
    Sounds good to me mate, blurry is good though, you know the saying "what happens in tra tra lah", I'm certainly proud of her with "NO SCRATCHES" ha ha.....still trying to be patient...but it ain't in my nature buggar it...thinking of heading to Townsville and across the Savanah Way to Broome when she finally arrives...should be fun,,.....when she arrives....see impatient prick again...your doing a great job Wayne and thanks
  • killerchef
    12 years ago
    mmm i know. the air filter cover will go in due course as will the signage up near the bars. it really is a case of get her here first then slowly get an idea of what i will do.

    ...... 20k on the clock and for 8700 AUD, im not grumbling mate.
  • Retroman
    12 years ago

    I hope you dudes all have a stock exhaust system for those bikes for 1/ compliancing and 2/ for state rego

    If not, then get beggin' , stealin', or borrowin' ASAP !!

    PS I've got complete stock systems for 2007 and up Dyna , 2007 and up Deuce/Fatboy/CVO , and 2007 and up Heritage / Nightrain / Softail Custom

    For when I get my import CVO in the very near future...



  • jacks
    12 years ago
    Christmas Rodders....I'm like a little girl getting here first pony....errrr...maby i should have put that another way...errr...a bloke 'avin is foist beer an 'opin fer is first root!!!! yeah...that sounds better...but the waiting is tourture...
  • FLHuTChU
    12 years ago

     Great work Wayne, Keep em rollin in.

    P.S. Can you imagine Jacks in pig tails?

  • jackal
    12 years ago

    Just to chime in here, my FXE was also amongst that beautifull lot - no doubt mine was the ugly duckling but I am super wrapped to have got it for the price.  I second what other have said here, thanks Wayne for your service and certainly has made the whole experience so much easier.  No doubt if I want to buy another ill be going through Wayne again :)


  • FLHuTChU
    12 years ago

     Ugly duckling.....I'll show you'se an ugly duckling! Spotted this at Gulgong NSW. Check out the latest accesory in pull start handles!

  • Coopsta
    12 years ago
    Just like all the other lucky ppl here i went with getting an import through Chopa & couldn't be happier.Wayne has done a fantastic job finding my perfect bike (2006 cvo fatboy) & sorting through all the scams & dickheads.I can't speak highly enough of his dedacation to satisfying his clients.I can't wait for piks of my bike when it hits our great land!!HATS OFF CHOPA you are the MAN!!