Online: paulybronco, Ultramick

Importing Harley's from USA

  • Retroman
    11 years ago

    Can you tell me though why and what will i be paying $2000 for compliance if the bike is 'stock' ?…

    Well basically because they can ! Obtaining the RAWS certification is expensive and time consuming and all RAWS agents are a business at the end of the day.

    Is a one off compliance routine exxy for the individual who has brought in a bike ? Certainly is , but gaining RAWS is way more expensive. Took nearly 2 years before anyone in Perth could do it FFsake !

  • RockerSteve
    11 years ago

    Hi all,

    Thanks rodders, soapbox and retroman for the replies.

    Could anybody direct me to some sort of compliance for motorbikes page, so i can gauge what items may be considered needing replacement?
    i come across many rocker C's that have 'some mods' e.g. Derby Cover, Gasket, Clutch cover, etc. All which in my eyes seem minor however this may not be the case for compliance purposes.

    So whats the worst mods to stay away from when looking at bikes? suspension, tree change, wheel change, mirror stems (last one a joke) ?

    Thanks again.

    Rocker Steve
  • Foytt
    11 years ago

    Gday Steve 


    Give me a call when you get a chance  0423223912




    11 years ago
    Rockersteve what state are you in.
  • RockerSteve
    10 years ago

    Hey slinky,


    im in VIc.


    So i spoke with the engineer who is in charge of compliance and he gave me quite a bit of confidence with what had beeen done to the bike.

    SOO i bought the bike!!!  

    Things that will pass were PM wheels, and rotors.

    what i got changed back to stock are handle bars, and pipes.  The heartland rear fender will be ok, i need to relocate the number plate but i dont want to cover the cool paint work, so im still deciding what to do there with the rear indicators and break light.

    Speedo change to KM is part of what i pay for compliance.

    The rest we will re assess when the bike is here, hopefully in about a month.


    Rocker Steve


  • Darrin
    10 years ago

    Hi Rocker Steve. I am just finishing the compliance process for my bike, brought in under personal import, so a bit different to your situation. But I was just about to reply and say just find a VASS Compliance engineer in your area you are comfortable to work with and go from there, but I see in your last note you did that.

    Based on my experience, you need to have the compliance process take its lead from the VASS Compliance engineer who will comply the bike, NOT from a shop that might actually do compliance/mod/RWC related work. But it looks like you are doing that. 

    I am also in VIC and would be happy to pass over numbers and experiences if you PM me. A number of posters to my thread in the general section, which I just posted to, provided very helpful tips, so I am happy to share them etc.

  • RockerSteve
    10 years ago

    Hi Darrin,

    Great to hear you have got yours done!  If you could send to your post that would also help. What i did want to ask was if there is a time frame once you have your compliance paperwork done to then get the RWC done?  Also did you carry out the compliance work yourself? and if so how did you go?

    Ill shoot you a PM message now.  


    Rocker Steve

  • Darrin
    10 years ago

    Rocker Steve, if by getting the compliance process done myself you mean call VASS compliance officers myself and choose the one I got the best impression from, then yes. You can get from VIC Roads the list of compliance engineers in the State, and then call one's closest to you, and discuss with each your situation. Use the one who seems most knowledgeable and sympathetic to your situation. I would encourage this DIY research over letting some shop tell you they will organize your VASS compliance.


    In my case, the chosen engineer looked at pictures in advance, looked at the bike at the shop after it was delievered from the port, and then came to the shop to do the test. Coming to the shop to do the test is helpful if your pipes won't pass the noise test and yet you find a shop to fit a temporary set of pipes for the noise test. 


    As for timing, the RWC lasts for 30 days from date of issue. So in my case I Am waiting for the name plate and compliance sticker to arrive prior to getting the RWC date stamped and then I can scoot to VIC roads. An unregistered vehicle permit can be obtained for up to 30 days.

  • Freddy Kruger
    Freddy Kruger
    10 years ago
    I suppose this would be the place to ask the question...

    Say i spotted a stock '84 Softail on Craigslist USA... What next? They only list a couple of mobile phone numbers in the ad, could an importer negotiate for a price for me (since the seller would get rego cost back etc)?

    Any recommended importer for an "older" bike?
  • Retroman
    10 years ago
    Pre '89 you can bring any fucking thing and you DO NOT NEED any of that compliancing shit-ola

    Just state pits passing after headlight / Km/H speedo and quiet exhaust system
  • jacko88
    10 years ago
    just imported another from the US this time a vintage 75 jappa, used mainfreight to get it from New York to LA to Fremantle and they were fantastic and cheap in comparison
    to the QLD fukwits I used before, got a genuine one owner in original condition 11900 miles on craigslist, rang the guy and got him to send me a video of the bike took temp and showed me it was cold before start up etc, always a risk but its in my shed now getting a resto etc and all good. Got to Mainfreight one day in a container the next day, on a ship the day after plus they kept me informed all the way, went like clockwork. Did it all myself as far as the purchase, payment, import approval they did the rest. Here in WA engineers arnt an issue so do you research. Any info you need happy to pass on
  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago

    Hi guys, 

    I am about to import 46 servicar, and about 18 months ago brought in a 64 pan, I used Foytts, awesome, did everything for me and delivered it to my door.

    as someone said, pre 88 no issues, find a guy that issues a blue slip, take your paperwork to the rta, with a greenslip, walk out with rego.... Real easy, total cost about $1200  to get into Sydney

  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago

    Hi guys, 

    I am about to import 46 servicar, and about 18 months ago brought in a 64 pan, I used Foytts, awesome, did everything for me and delivered it to my door.

    as someone said, pre 88 no issues, find a guy that issues a blue slip, take your paperwork to the rta, with a greenslip, walk out with rego.... Real easy, total cost about $1200  to get into Sydney

  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago

    Here's a pic of the 64, and soon to be mine, 46

  • paulybronco
    10 years ago

    Thats super cool.

  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago
    Hi, don't have really any idea of the history apart from it has been restored and during the resto converted to 12 volt, I also have a WLA so I think that's a good change for modern conditions, and an upgraded carbie, another good mod.

    I bought it through ebay from the states for usd$9000 which is about $10,000 Aussie and Foytts are on their way to collect it as we speak!

    I have also brought in a 64 pan, which cost all up about $14,000 Aussie so it's definitely a cheaper way to buy classic bikes than buying them here, the only drawback is you can't actually look and touch them or see if their as described. My way around this was to ask the seller to send me a video of the bike going, running and stopping, and using a date stamp or holding up a news paper so you can see the date, not perfect but it's all you can do to try and reduce the risk. The servi car is coming from Santa Rosa California which is great as they all ship from LA as you would know, the pan came from the east coast so it cost almost as much to get it to la from Maine, aS it did to get it from LA to Sydney
  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago
    Will do Keith, although I have tried to post a photo of my pan and the photo I posted above keeps coming up
  • inkaporka
    10 years ago
    Has anyone had any dealings with A to Z Imports our of QLD? Looking for a reference or any relevant comments, with respect to compliancing of imported bikes.
  • Raydogzz
    10 years ago
    Hi mate, no I haven't however I have brought In 2 bikes using foyts and could not speak highly enough of them, delivered the bike right to my door
    10 years ago
    Inkaporka If I was you I would steer clear of A to Z imports.I would use the mob in Brisbane Qld Imports. They even registered my bike for me and I just rode home.